Cajun Fisherman

Started by JP, June 11, 2005, 04:21:42 AM

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The wildlife & fisheries agent rounds a turn & comes into a narrow canal where he sees a cajun fisherman with two icechests, full of fish. I'm sorry to inform you sir, says the wildlife agent, that I will be giving you a ticket. It appears you are way over your limit. No sir, says the cajun, these here are my pet fish. What!? says the agent, your pet fish? Yes sir, I bring them down here to the bayou every evening so they can swim. I let 'em swim around for awhile, then load them back in the chests & bring 'em back to the house. Same thing the next day. Would you like to see? The agent thinks for a second & says I think I've heard it all now, but ok.
The cajun dumps all of the fish in the water & they both stare at the water for a couple minutes. Well, says the agent. Yeah says the cajun. You gonna call them fish back?

What fish??
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Miss Chick-a-BEE

Yep.... you can't prove nothin' man! I ain't got no fish.... and that story the agents tellin' is just plain nuts! LOL :)
