Bearding on backside of new swarm box?

Started by EOHenry, June 19, 2005, 11:19:01 PM

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This morning I noticed some bearding on the back side of deep I put them in.  Does this mean they are thinking of swarming agan? I put a frame of new brood from one of my other hives into the box when I got it home along with a frame of honey and I am feeding them syrup.  What else can I do?

I bee a firefighter.


You could throw a queen excluder between the bottom board and the hive body.  If the queen has been mated, she will have a heck of a time getting through it.  Then leave them alone to establish a brood nest.  But if you gave them open brood, I have never had them leave open brood unnattended.


Quote from: EOHenryThis morning I noticed some bearding on the back side of deep I put them in.  Does this mean they are thinking of swarming agan?

Hive is full or too hot

I put a frame of new brood from one of my other hives into the box

You should put the oldest brood where bees are emerging. New brood only takes room from nuc.

Also feeding sugar makes lack of room.  No use to feed. Feeding makes swarming.

You do not tell how big you hive is. Is it one box or 5 frames.

When you have more hives, you can gve emerging brood so that hive occupy one langstroth. One full brood frame produces bees to 3 frame.

The aim is get one box full of brood. After 4 weeks you have 2-3 box bees. After 7 weeks That hive is able to collect honey.

They build new combs without feeding like they do on nature.


"Hive is full or too hot "
My hive could not be to full as it is a large 10 frame box with a small swarm and the temp here is in low 80's.
"When you have more hives, you can gve emerging brood so that hive occupy one langstroth. One full brood frame produces bees to 3 frame."

I don't understand this!
How many frames can I steal from other hive or how often?
Was I wrong to put a frame of honey into this box from hive I lost last winter?  I raked open some of the cells for them to eat .
Thanx for the advice!

I bee a firefighter.


Quote from: EOHenry

I don't understand this!
How many frames can I steal from other hive or how often?

Now I understand better your hive. It is one box = 10 frames. It is good hive.

If it is full of bees, you do not need brood from another hive. I thought that it was something 5 frames.

It hive is really full bees, and new are emerging, you can put a new box over brood.  But if it is not able to keep warm the box, you can put it under the present box. Bees take new box into use as soon as they need it.
QuoteThanx for the advice!

You are wellcome!  Difficult to get picture  from your report. Problem is really easy