My nuc has swarm cells???

Started by seabees, July 02, 2011, 09:18:18 PM

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I made a nuc on April 21,2011 and it has been doing well. In fact I used it to take a frame of open brood to use a a panacae for a hive that swarmed. (3 in total, 1 per week) I did a hive inspection today and and 1 frame is full of swarm or supersedure cells on the top of one of the frames.  I was kinda schocked because it certainly isn't full. Now that I have thought about it ;I can only guess maybe I moved the queen out on one of the frames that I transfered to the other hive ,by accident. The other hive that swarmed isn't doing any better with the three added frames of brood and I can guess that they would have killed my queen. What should I do now? Debbie

Larry Bees

It's very possible that you did remove the queen by accident. I have done that a couple of times when I did some splits.



Just leave them alone and let them complete the process. You'll have a new laying queen in a couple of weeks. Don't cut or mash or otherwise tinker with those cells!  :-D


Even if you find that queen. She may not be as good as you think! The bees tend to know more than we do!