Cant grip with this frame gripper on plastic frames

Started by AdmiralD, June 16, 2005, 01:28:22 PM

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Heres an item that is not what it is cracked up to bee.

I can not grip very well with this frame grip, especially on the plastic frames. I can prove this, as I have a swollen ankle from several bee stings, after dropping the frame while 'showing off' my hive  to my friend. Boy, do I feel foolish....



I have that exact gripper and found it to be very useful if the frames aren't loaded down.  Regardless of how full they are through, I still make sure I have the other hand on the bottom of the frame for support.  The thing I like best about it, is that I can pull a frame without disturbing or crushing any surrounding bees...something that I have more difficult of a time doing otherwise.  I haven't tried them in a 9 frame super yet, but I doubt I'll need it since there's more space to grip without it.  Guess it's all a matter of how you like to go about things.

Martha Beemom

I really like that one. I like the rounded handlepart. Maybe it is because you have plastic frames? I have wooden ones. But I do either put the hive tool on the bottom when looking at the cells or my other hand. I've had more frames slip from my hands than using the gripper.




Joseph Clemens

My frame grippers work exceptionally well. I highly recommend their use for all that have them. They are called "hands", using them I have never had trouble gripping frames. I do use a hive tool to loosen the frames before removing them from the hive.

<img src="" border=0
alt="Click for Marana, Arizona Forecast" height=50 width=150>

Joseph Clemens
Beekeeping since 1964
10+ years in Tucson, Arizona
12+ hives and 15+ nucs
No chemicals -- no treatments of any kind, EVER.

Michael Bush

The picture is exactly the kind of frame grip I use and love.  But then I don't have plastic frames.  :)  My favorite frame lifter is an Italian Hive tool from Brushy Mt.
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"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin


I too prefer and use this same grip.  You are correct though, they do not work too well with plastic frames.  They are much more comfortable to use for long periods of time that the steel round-stock type of grips which can get painful on your hand if you spend much time lifting heavy frames.  I have a feeling that most grips will not handle the plastic frames as well as wooden frames.  I find the plastic frames flex when they are heavily loaded, not to mention the plastic is slipperier to hold then wood.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison


QuoteI find the plastic frames flex when they are heavily loaded, not to mention the plastic is slipperier to hold then wood.

I got this one because I thought [!!!] that everyone [???] said they were good and I thought it would be nice to be able to grip those frames and be able to heave/rock back and forth/pull/ lift them out as the bees tend to draw wax between the upper  story frames and lower story  frames and work the frames free. Well, I have both wooden frames and plastic frames... Those plastic frames are slippery with this gripper. And NOW I support EVERY frame with the use of my 'other' grippers....aka hands!

Thanks for all the sympathy posts, guys...In all honesty, it's the little things [ie bees]  that make this hobby fun and exciting and interesting.... :lol: