Adding two swarms together

Started by Grant, July 02, 2005, 11:12:14 AM

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I have collected two swarms this summer both are small and do not think they will be able to collect enought honey to get them though the winter alone.

If I add them together shounld I open the hives and kill one queen or let nature take its course and let them fight it out and the strongest survive.


Do either of them exhibit any qualities you want to keep??  Good brood pattern? Gentle? More wax than a swarm normally draws?  One colony gathering more nectar than the other?  

I believe there is still time if you could give them each a couple frames of sealed brood.  It's amazing the difference a couple pounds of bees can make.


The one swarm I clollected early in the spring and have not been in them for some time . But they did raised a new queen to repalce the one in the swarm . She was not laying a good pattern and the bees were not happy campers. The swarm I collected last night Is about a football size and there is the catch Iam not sure if they can collect enough honey to survive the winter.