Use of CheckMite + to Kill SHB

Started by jataylor, August 29, 2012, 09:44:37 AM

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Instructions say to staple two pieces on the underside of a stripped piece of cardboard and place that on the bottom board.  I'm running screen bottom boards, so don't see where SHB would be running around on the screen bottom.  Will this work on the inner cover?


I'm using beetle barns with a small piece of CheckMite+ inside.  I place the barns on top of the frames and on opposite sides of the brood box.  They seem to be doing a decent job.  I don't think I have a huge problem with the SHB but generally end up with around twenty to thirty total in the barns after a couple weeks.  Most are dead when I open it up, sometimes not.  Longer than a couple weeks and bees will have sealed up the entrance holes. 



Hmm.  Interested to know what a "beetle barn" is.  Picture, description.  Thanks.



Thanks.  Will let you know how they do.


I would think you could use it on the inner cover.   You have pulled honey supers, right?


According to the directions, honey supers should be removed.  Being my first year, I don't have any honey supers on.  I'd like to find a good alternative for next year.



Same here.  No honey supers.  I do have three brood chambers.  This queen has really been busy and her girls have put away a good supply of honey for the winter!  Am hopeful they will have plenty for the tough winter we are expecting.