cluster around what appears to be a queen cell.

Started by JP, July 10, 2005, 12:43:07 PM

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Hive one, which I found a couple of queen cells, that didn't amount to much,(a little while back) now has what appears to be a queen cell, protruding through the bottom of two inner frames, I can see a cluster(sbb) around this cell, perhaps 400-500 bees. Yesterday I noticed large numbers bearding on entrance board and front of hive body. Not sure what to do next. Any opinions, suggestions? What would you do?
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It sounds like they are getting ready to swarm.

Some suggestions:

Make sure they have enough room.  

You have a sbb so ventilation shouldn't be an issue.  Maybe crack the outer cover open a little.

May want to split the hive.

That's all I can think of.  Others will join in.


they've only worked 7 frames & they are package bees. I am suspicious of someting though. I mentioned in another post of a large hive I removed, well I'm sad to say they didn't make it. No queen, etc... My mistake, anyway, I tried to help that hive along with feeding them sugarwater & I did notice the hive in question was robbing this failed hive of honey & sugarwater. When I was feeding my hives sugar water I noticed hive #1 had queen cells, & when I stopped feeding them didn't notice the queen cell problem. I think they tore them down after I stopped feeding, then maybe they have done this because of the robbing, I don't know.
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Michael Bush

Make sure they have ventilation (the primary cause of bearding) and room in the brood nest (the lack of which is the primary cause of swarming) and keep an eye on them.

Bearding is a sign of a lack of ventilation.  It does not mean they are OR are not going to swarm.
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you mentioned in your response, " make sure there is room in the brood nest".

I am not sure that I quite understand what I can do to ensure there is adequate room in the brood nest. I have like 3 frames that haven't been worked at all. What can I do to give them more room or get them to work these un-worked frames?

It was also suggested I might try & add another deep.
I'm not sure what to do next, but I will try & inspect today to see what's going on in there.

Thnx, JP
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Michael Bush

>I am not sure that I quite understand what I can do to ensure there is adequate room in the brood nest.

Look through the brood nest.  If all the frames are full and there is nowhere for the queen to lay, and especially if there is a lot of nectar and honey stored there, remove some of the frames of honey and put in empty frames for them to draw comb and the queen to have a place to lay.  I don't use an excluder, so the queen has more room but even then they sometimes try to hem her in so she can't lay.  Give them something to do and her somewhere to lay and they hardly ever swarm.

> I have like 3 frames that haven't been worked at all. What can I do to give them more room or get them to work these un-worked frames?

Put those frames in the middle of the brood nest.

>t was also suggested I might try & add another deep.

I'd get rid of ALL the deeps and go to mediums.  :)  But if you have to use deeps, sure.  Add another on top.  But another on top won't open up the brood nest.  You still need to put empty frames in the brood nest to do that.

>'m not sure what to do next, but I will try & inspect today to see what's going on in there.

Maybe there's nothing going on except the heat.
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