Walk away Split Question

Started by Meadlover, November 17, 2011, 12:10:13 AM

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Due my work I am an 8 hour drive away from my hives in outback Australia for 2 weeks.
Before I left I split a mates 8 frame hive into 3 nucs - one with the queen, 2 with some open queen cells in each.

After 1 week:
the nuc with the queen got smashed by SHB and is gone  :-x
The other 2 were overflowing with bees, 1 even had comb being built in the lid and filled with honey.

I then left to come west 2 weeks.

My question is:
3 weeks after doing a split of already started queen cells into nucs, what will happen if the nuc is packed full of honey?
What happens if there is a flow on, the hive is completely full of honey, but the queen is still pupating/emerging?
My initial concern was that they would swarm, but with no young brood or eggs, I'm sure they couldn't swarm, but what then would they do when they run out of room?
Any ideas on what to expect when I get back?



b reeves

yes they will swarm, if the queen has no room to lay, she will take everybody with her

Solomon Parker

Solomon Parker
Parker Farms, Fayetteville Arkansas