Help for weak swarm hive?

Started by EOHenry, August 17, 2005, 02:25:41 PM

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Checked my hives today and the small swarm I captured in mid June is still small compared to other swarm.  I am worried it won't survive winter here in Mich. unless it gets bigger and stores more honey.  Anything I should be doing now?  I gave it a frame of brood from my two old hive a week or so after I boxed it.  Should I give it some more brood from the established hives?

I bee a firefighter.


You can always combine with another hive using the newspaper method.  If you do a search in this forum, I know there's a post that tells you how to do it.  I believe you can also find how to do it, in "Beekeeping for Dummies".


Quote from: EOHenryI am worried it won't survive winter here in Mich. unless it gets bigger and stores more honey.

How many frames you have bees there? 5 is enough for winter.

1) You may feed is a litle every now and then that it continues larva raising. But if the queen is old it perhaps not work.
2) It need not honey for winter when you give sugar.

3) Colony may be small if you put 6 W terrarium heater for winter.
You put middle wall into box and the heater in the empty side and you give it insulated box for winter.

Michael Bush

You've still got possibly a couple of months before there is no flow.  They might build up during that time.  Feed anytime there isn't a flow.  Combine in September or October if they still haven't built up yet.
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