Where to buy German Black Bees

Started by contactme_11, March 10, 2009, 05:31:18 PM

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Ive got some more German AMM's ordered from Russells for hopefully a mid-late May delivery. Hopefully this time I wont screw up the queen introduction.


I look forward to hearing how "hot" they really are  :-D


They cant possibly be worse than a feral I have now. You cant even replace an entrance reducer without wearing full battle gear. They were my best honey producer last year so they can just stay pissy.


>>I look forward to hearing how "hot" they really are 

ME TOO! Please keep us posted
Keep them away from any Russians bees  :evil:
Live long and prosper!


I hope they aren't too bad. I have heard alot of people say they are crazy mean but others say not so much. They certainly are beautiful in the pics on Robert's website. Definitely let us know the result if you can. Theses bees appeal to me and I'm curious


  Somewhere. On one of these sites about 2 years back there was a link to a study of feral genetics that outlined just how much German was left in the wild population.
  If memory serves, and at my age that is a question, the level of German DNA was much higher in feral populations than in managed hives in the same area. This suggested that to survive in the wild for long required a higher level of German genes.
  Perhaps that German "heat" helped overcome the natural threats better.
I was born about 100 years too early, or to late.