First live hive beetle sighting!

Started by bee-nuts, July 08, 2012, 01:47:19 AM

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I have been lucky for a long time with no hive beetles.  I seen the first one today I think.  Little scouring bugger.  Im sure I can thank one of the local migratory beeks (no punt intended).  I really hope they dont turn my operation up side down!
The moment a person forms a theory, his imagination sees in every object only the traits which favor that theory

Thomas Jefferson

David McLeod

Hopefully your climate will keep them from becoming established or at least in some sort of check. Now for the sad news, beetles are like roaches where for every one you see.......

Keep your hive tool always ready from now on when doing inspections and mash them suckers whenever seen. I've even been known to tear down a stack just to go on a search and destroy mission. Good luck.
Georgia Wildlife Services,Inc
Georgia's Full Service Wildlife Solution
Atlanta (678) 572-8269 Macon (478) 227-4497
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Joe D

Yeap, I agree with David, if you don't they will.  With a good strong hive and a little help from you its harder for them to get well established.  I have had a hive I lost, now I see none up to 3 or 4 in my hives. I have been taking them down to bottom brood box ever couple months, and super ever few weeks. Good luck with your bees.



Sorry to hear about your new guests. As previously stated, I hope your winters keep them in check. Keep us posted.

Good Luck,

Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resembalance to the first. - Ronald Reagan


"Sorry to hear about your new guests."

It was one guest and I did get it with my hive tool!  Thankfully I have rad enough post about smashing them with the hive tool so it was an unconscious decision to grab my tool and smash that little sucka, and it felt good to know I got the little b.....d! 

Yes I hope the migratory beeks take the problem with them when they leave and any unwanted guests they leave behind get the WISCONSIN COLD SHOULDER!

Hopefully oxalic acid does a number on those that make it into winter clusters.
The moment a person forms a theory, his imagination sees in every object only the traits which favor that theory

Thomas Jefferson


Glad to hear about the squashed status of your beetle.  That's a good hive beetle.



Our winters take care of most of them.  I find a few every summer but they have never became a problem