I grow a great fertilizer.

Started by garlicfarmer, July 29, 2012, 06:55:01 PM

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If any one is interested I make a great fertilizer that any one can build.  I use it for my garlic and produce farm.  I live in Michigan in Hesperia.  I am looking for any used beekeeping equipment and also ford diesel tractors and weeding attachments.  I also want to work for a pollinator.  if you can help me fine if not I will share the fertilizer with you anyhow.  How you have a great day  Thomas Vanden Bosch




I start with a garbage can fill it with water.  using an aerator is optional.  Place equal amonts of Stinging nettles and yarrow in garbage can.  place three leaves of burdock and one root.  7 full dandelion plants in to can also.  7 leaves of comfrey.  and a good amount of Oak bark  this is an important part of the tea.  let aerate for a day or two.  if it does not come to a stink you do not have enough stinging nettles included.  Take sump pump with hose conetion and run on plants ard around this fertilizer is great for every kind of plant and will not burn.  amps up stawberrys and beets beans,  onions yuo name it.  if you lack the ingredient let me know.  I can help.  Thanks Tom


GarlicFarmer, I don't have any extra bee equipment, but I'll keep you in mind if I hear of any for sale around here.  There are some commercial beeks around me that run 200 to 500 hives.  A local beek processes up to 35 tons of honey a year.

Seen a lot of old Ford gasoline tractors for sale around here.  3 to 4K range.

Interesting fertilizer mix!  I never knew there was a use for stinging nettles. 


We all have excellent fertilizer around us.

Our bee families forage an enormous area. They poo, throw the waste and dead bees around the hive. This is kilograms of nitrogen and other nutrients per hive per year.