Oxalic treatment for Varroa and the effect on SHB

Started by KD4MOJ, December 11, 2012, 02:16:28 PM

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Howdy Folks:

I treated some test hives over the past 2 months for Varroa mites using a vaporizer. One thing I did notice on subsequent inspections was the decrease in the amount of SHB in the treated hives. Not sure if it was the acid but there was a noticable decrease after the treatments. All 3 hives had plenty of SHB's prior to treatment, controllable but there were many.

On the 2 hives that I had vaporized, the count was only 5 or 6 seen when doing the inspection where on the untreated hive, the count was probably 30-40 plus.

Not sure if anyone has had this same experience.

We haven't had any temps yet below 45F and the daily temps have been 70-80F so I don't think that the temp had much to do with the hives with the fewest SHB.



Joe D

I have never tried using a vapor.  Maybe messing up but haven't treated for mites, just SHB's.



Scientists have had a look at whether oxalic treatment was effective against small hive beetle. From what I've read, they got mixed results - reasonable success with low infestations, but little success with high infestations.

US Dept Agriculture:

Research gate:


Thanks Jeanette:

I'll read those links. I was impressed on what happened... maybe a fluke but I hope that the vapor kills both!