kerkhoff (sp?) hive

Started by Wandering Buddhist, October 03, 2005, 09:31:22 PM

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Wandering Buddhist

There is a type of hive, called, I believe, a Kerkhoff Hive (though I may be spelling the name incorrectly).  It is a good honey producer as it has two hives, with two queens, side by side, with opposite facing entrances, but shallows on top to which both hives contribute.  (Obviously, the colonies are separated.)  I have worked a group of six such hives, and after starting them with the usual 3,000 bees this past May, each hive had an impressive surplus of honey last week.  The trouble is, I cannot find plans for the hive, or even the correct spelling of the hive.  I suppose I could go back to that yard and measure, pull apart, etc., but if this rings a bell with someone, please do share your fountain of knowledge.



This page has a little information on a 2 queen hive similar to what you describe, one of the reasearchers name is also similar to the name you ask about
Wayne Cole


Took me a while to track down where I saw this.

Go to

on Site Links click on Bee Patents

2nd item from top.

I think this is what your looking for.


Actually the 7th from the top is more in line of what you were looking for.