Home made SHB traps with boric acid... Safe? Experiences?

Started by Bees In Miami, October 23, 2012, 03:39:50 PM

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Bees In Miami

Been trying to learn as much as I can and fast as I can, and have been watching a lot of videos on you tube.  One or two were guys making home made shb traps with corrugated yard signs.  Fill one side of the cell with crisco, then boric acid, then seal the other side with crisco.  I made some, but am reluctant to use them due to the boric acid.  Has anybody used these, and what were the effects on the bees?  Did the traps work?  No ill effects for the girls?  Any input is appreciated.  Thanks in advance! 


Put them where the bees can not get to it and everything will be alright. 


If you have solid bottom boards, make sure the hive leans forward. You don't want the traps sitting in standing water.

Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resembalance to the first. - Ronald Reagan

Bees In Miami

AllenF:  Is that your humorous way of saying..."Keep them out of the hives?"  :-D  Actually since the cut out was done, and they were boxed, the girls are doing a pretty darn good job keeping the shb more in check.   The combine is complete, so hopefully I will have another strong colony in the next day or two.   (As long as darn hurricane Sandy doesn't mess with us too much!)  
asprince...Thanks...I have two with solid bottoms, that tilt forward a bit, the newest ones are screened.  Good advice though!  Do you use these home made traps?  I am thinking I will just order more oil traps...The boric acid is making me nervous.
Thanks to both and all for any additional input!     


No, use them, just keep the bees away from them.  You can staple cardboard over them.

Bees In Miami

AllenF:  Thanks!!  Makes perfect sense, and I would not have thought of that!! (Sorry to be so DUMB!)  Thanks for your help.  I think there is beginning to be a bit of water in the pool....lol...I forgot to look before I leapt into bees!  But I am loving every learning experience!  Thanks again. 


There are never any dumb questions here.  Many may know the answer, but there might be one out there that needs to hear it.  That is what makes all questions useful on the forum. 



Pure animal fat with the texture of butter until it is heated. Used for cooking.
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin


Crisco is actually made with vegetables, rather than animal fat. Vegetable shortening (crisco) is what you want for those traps.

Nature Coast Beek

Tried boric acid in both the corrugated plastic board (political signs per Fat Beeman) and also a CD case trap with boric acid mixed with shortening (Crisco). The results were not nearly as good as simple beetle traps placed between top bars and filled with mineral oil.

My best results for SHB control...HIVE PLACEMENT in full sun. My hives that had surrounding them and got half day shade had beetles galore. My hives with little to no grass surrounding (in Florida that's called sand) and had full sun with heavy bearding all summer... SHB numbers could be counted on one hand.

For my money, internal traps between frames or a screened bottom board with oil tray catch for equipment SHB counters. Easiest for me was simply to move the hives to open ground with sun. BTW, I also keep shallow water trays lined with sand and mud close by the hives (within 50 feet).

Michael Bush

Boric acid is very useful to kill insects who will track it back to their nest as it kills the larvae.  The problem is the "nest" of the SHB is your beehive, and your bees are insects... in my experience boric acid does not kill the adult insects.
My website:  bushfarms.com/bees.htm en espanol: bushfarms.com/es_bees.htm  auf deutsche: bushfarms.com/de_bees.htm  em portugues:  bushfarms.com/pt_bees.htm
My book:  ThePracticalBeekeeper.com
"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin