How may people here belong to Beekeepers' Associations?

Started by Apis629, October 15, 2005, 06:12:42 PM

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I just got back from an apiary work day with the Tampa Bay Beekeepers' Association and I was wondering how many people here also have joined associations.  There's no major reason I asked this other than, I'm curious.


I belong to the Marion County Beekeepers assoc.  Just a small group in south central Mississippi but we also work with the central Mississippi beekeepers assoc.


I'm not sure the association I belong to counts as small...we've got over 40 members.


I belong to the BBKAA (Bassman's Beekeeping Association of America).  We are one member strong and wife approved.   :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Michael Bush

I belong to several. The Kansas Honey Producers Association.  The Nebraska Beekeepers Association.  You get newsletters and you get invited to their get togethers.  :)
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"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin


Arkansas Beekeepers Association and just a few days ago American Beekeepers Federation.  I'm looking at insurance and protection for my family when I start to sell honey and other products from the hives.  You have to be careful even with giving stuff away.  Shame isn't it.  I would join anyway but I would rather have joined for comraderie only.  Now I have seen too many people, good people, lose everything because they went out of the way to help someone and that person decided that no good deed should go unpunished.
Everyone said it couldn't be done. But he with a chuckle replied, "I won't be one to say it is so, until I give it a try."  So he buckled right in with a trace of a grin.  If he had a worry he hid it and he started to sing as he tackled that thing that couldn't be done, and he did it.  (unknown)


Central Ohio Beekeepers Association right now.  Thinking about joing Ohio State Beekeepers or maybe East Central Beekeeper's.

Like Michael said, lot's of good, relatively free info.  Folks with hands-on experience.  Usually a decent speaker at the meetings.

Plus, most importantly, people bring food.   :roll:  :lol:


I belong to the Middlesex County Beekeepers Assn. The second largest in Massachusetts. The largest being the Worcester County Beekeepers Assn.
By the rude bridge that arched the flood
Their flag to Aprils breeze unfurled
Here once the embattled farmers stood
And fired the shot heard round the world

Wayne Miles

I belong to two.  Orange County and North Carolina Beekeepers Association.  Thursday of this week (10/20/05) the wife and I will be occupying the Bee Exhibit Booth at the NC State Fair.  Just from 9-1, it is divided into 3 shifts.


I belong to Worcester County Beekeepers' Association .  The oldest in the US.  

I have not been to many of their meetings.  For some reason they meet on Fridays during the FAll, Winter and Spring and I am usually busy.  And duringthe summer they meet on Saturday afternoons - like I'd have time for that.



Horns Pure Honey

I am in Illinois and lincoln land bee keepers associations :D
Ryan Horn


I belong to the Indiana State Beekeepers Association.


In New Zealand, there are local beekeepers clubs, and Im a member of my local Manawatu club, but there is also a national association (NBA) which all beekeepers need to join - costs about $20 a year for registration of up to 10 hives.

In return, you get hive health checks from other NBA members. Means if I miss seeing disease or a problem one of my fellow beekpers may see it for me.  Sounds a bit invasive of my privacy, but the reality is very different.  Great way to meet other keepers , share techniques  and a great way to keep  healthy hives .  I'm all for it.
