almost sorry I ever got involved in the "supernatural&q

Started by ayyon2157, October 16, 2005, 01:56:51 AM

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I have been studying the occult for a very long time, and I am convinced that "reality" isn't all that real.  For instance, different folks remember the same things differently.

    I seem to be able to ocassionally change the past as it involves me, and recieve what I call "gifts from the universe" ocassionally, like for instance finding an obsolete  computer part at a garage sale after wishing for it.

    However this "unsolid reality" has a downside.  Things disappear and reappear which causes trouble at work when it involves tools or parts.

    I have recently been trying to figure out a complicated vacum and electrical heater control in an old Chrysler.  On one day, I might find that a certain color line or wire does a certain thing, check it out and even write it down.  Next day it will do something else.

    On the other hand, this is a generally accepted definition of insanity.

William H. Michaels


Hey, if you want proof that reality isn't all that real, look toward your thoughts.  WHen they are forgotten that part of realtiy disapears forever.  Oh and, by the way, the mental health institution is having an "admit one, admit another free".  Get in while u can.


I agree on the preception of things are only relative to the person experiencing it. I often wonder "how real is everything and everyone" which sounds like a scary question to ponder, but aren't the characters in a good book real to the reader - if only for the time of the read? Does the "Thought process" cause creation or simply observe it?

If you haven't read my Out of Body experience essay I'd suggest it as an eye opener to what reality actually is. In a nutshell, I believe the conscience part of us (some people call it the spirit, I prefer conscience to help keep the conversation away from theology) but I believe we are phyically connected to the body and we have the ability (however induced) to detach ourselves and travel outside of the body.

When you can believe this to be the truth, and if you have experienced it yourself - you learn to see life a bit differently, more humbling at least and hopefully you can grow from the experience.

So, thinking something and more importantly SAYING SOMETHING ALOUD creates a REAL STATE for something to exist. So, next time you want something, SAY IT, don't just think it, and it should not only come about, but actually STAY there when you go back for it later!!!!
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