2006 Plans

Started by TwT, December 28, 2005, 08:17:25 PM

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Just wondering what everyone's plans are for 2006, im doing 2 walk-aways splits, 3 splits were im going to add queens and im going to buy 2 nuc's, with some removals also I hope to go from 6 hives this year to 15-20 next year by next winter.

Never be afraid to try something new.
Amateurs built the ark,
Professionals built the Titanic


What is a walk away split?

fred, citrus county fl


walk-away split: a hive with 2 deeps and I take a deep and the deep without a queen raises thier own queen, you just need to make sure they have eggs and pollin. it will be better if they have a few swarm cells and I might make a few nuc's also, just have to watch them, make 2 or more hives out of 1, especially when the 2 hives im doing this 2 are removal hives that were huge hives, and hives I never treated, want some more of those queens.

Never be afraid to try something new.
Amateurs built the ark,
Professionals built the Titanic


I'm buying a package of small cell from buckeye and a small cell nuc from fat beeman.  I'm going to use the nuc to draw sc foundation to use as seed comb for my large cell hive which I will be regressing this year. . .

Michael Bush

In the end the bees decide a lot.  :)  But I hope to sell some nucs and queens and do a lot of splits.  Maybe I'll drive a four mile radius from my house and look for another beeyard.  I'd love to have one four miles from my house with another 25 hives in it.  Two yards would be even nicer, then I could close out my fartherst yard which is 60 miles from home.  :)  I don't take very good care of the hives there.  I'd also like to build a bunch more long hives and more top bars and a reproduction of Huber's leaf hive.

Don't know if I'll get time or not.
My website:  bushfarms.com/bees.htm en espanol: bushfarms.com/es_bees.htm  auf deutsche: bushfarms.com/de_bees.htm  em portugues:  bushfarms.com/pt_bees.htm
My book:  ThePracticalBeekeeper.com
"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin

Horns Pure Honey

Im going to at least 8 hives this next year, have five saved from an older beekeeper up north. Prob grow to 10 or so though. :D
Ryan Horn


Aim of summer
- Moving bees even 3 times per summer.
- Try to lift my medium yield 25%.
- better understanding of pastures

In April we have early spring and nothing gives pollen.
- Strong spring build upp with pollen+soya+yeast + drinking system + electrict heating.
- all 20 on my cottage yard
- drinking aparatus is new

In the beginning of May willow starts.
- feeding protein whole month and electring heating
- strong build upp and I give emerging brood from strong colonies to weak ones.
- half of hives I ak to outer yards   at 3 miles distance.  3 hives per point
- at the end of month: All hives has at least one box full of brood

In June
- try to harvest dandelion and farm garden yield
- swarming control
- canola harvesting if it is early summer
- queen rearing

In july

- avoid poor pastures
- to take cream from nature , short forage distances = half a mile.
- canola and fireweed harvest
- 3-4 hives per point
- maximazing foraging capacity of bees
- harvest pollen next spring

In August
- to make better creamed honey

Moving bees even 3 times per summer.
Try to lift my medium yield 25%.


Provided my bees make it through the winter, I am going to make a split from each hive.  With the two new hives, I am going to give small cell a try.  My current hives, I hope to get a decent harvest this coming season since I allowed them to establish the colony last season and draw out a ton of comb (although a few frames of it got destroyed by wax moths  :evil:  )


How to make 10 splits

beginners ruin their honey yield when they split their hive before summer.  It is possible to make splits later and have a spended yield.

But if you have to enlarge your yard this is one method to go:

- Let hive become a big, 3-4 deeps.
- If someone try to swarm, change larvas in queen cells. Take young larvas from best hive.
- When queens are ready to emerge, make nucs. If you have 3 deeps you will get 10 three frame nucs.
- Give to each a frame where bees have queen cell
- move nucs over 3 miles and so you have 10 new hives.

Then cast those queens away which have not even, healthy brood area. Join nucs or get new queens into them.
When you give new tiny larva to queen cell at sunday, queens start to emerge on  second week thursday = 12 days.


Move a feral bee colony into my yard.
Try to minimize the amout of times the bees sting me when I attempt this madness.
Try not to kill the bees with 30 days of moving them.
I am really not worried about the amount of honey and wax I will get if any from the colony. I really don't like honey. However the bees do a great job of pollenating the flowers and veggies in the garden. Also just the way the colony functions is fascinating.
2006 plans
Understand bees better than I do now.

The status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to rule it. Dr. Horrible


Quote from: UnderstudyI am really not worried about the amount of honey and wax I will get if any from the colony.

What a plan? That is really  to keep bees!


Quote from: Finsky
Quote from: UnderstudyI am really not worried about the amount of honey and wax I will get if any from the colony.

What a plan? That is really  to keep bees!


I figure as a newbie in this, My first objective is tp keep them alive and if I can do that slowly move into the rest.  Hopefully while the bees may make honey out of that. I want them to work the garden and all the abundant flowing plants that grow in the area. If I can keep the bees alive then I will deal with the honey and wax issues.  Dead bees don'r make a lot of wax and honey but they also don't pollinate plant life either.

I must have sounded pretty silly in the previous post. I plan on doing this with baby steps.


The status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to rule it. Dr. Horrible


Quote from: UnderstudyI plan on doing this with baby steps.

Stop planning. Just do it!


Quote from: Finsky
Quote from: UnderstudyI plan on doing this with baby steps.

Stop planning. Just do it!
As soon as UPS drops off my hives and other supplies. In the meantime I am going to read, learn and plan. And build my bee vac box. :)

The status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to rule it. Dr. Horrible