honey for medicinal uses

Started by Edgy, March 02, 2014, 01:49:49 AM

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I would like to know if anyone  has had success using honey for treating any health issues.  Either inside or outside the body.  Thanks


Soar throat that made it painful to swallow is soothed by a teaspoon of slowly melting honey on the tongue.

mvh Edward  :-P


helps a snotty nose.

some times respiration

does not hurt during most conditions



Buckwheat honey and a touch of butter for scratchy throat & cough
Honey soothes and helps disinfect cuts and scratches
Can't ever say that bk'n ain't a learning experience!


Anyone using it outside the norm.  Maybe for cuts, acne, internal ailments, etc. and having success?


I had read it was great for burns and was skeptical because I had never heard that before...

Not long after that I had to grind a pop-rivet off something and made the mistake of touching it.  Remembering what I had read, I covered it with some of my honey and wrapped it up. 

I was pleasantly shocked and amazed at how well it worked!   :)


All honey is a natural antiseptic.  It absorbs moisture out of the bacteria and dries them up so they die.  It is being used to treat burns in many US hospitals and is in testing to combat the super staff infections found in hospitals.
There are peer reviewed scientific studies that have determined that local honey will relieve most symptoms of colds, sore throats, sinus problems and allergies.
The darker the honey the higher it is in minerals and antioxidants, the better is is for medicinal usage.


Good topic, I wish there were more replies to it. I know the stories of the benefits are out there.

I had a dime sized spot (pre-cancer) my dr. wanted to burn/freeze. He knows my wife is a natural path and suggested I try something along those lines for a couple weeks.. I put a drop of our raw honey on a small round band-aide and cover the spot every night, and I could see improvement right away. After about 12 weeks the spot is almost gone, match head size. When I saw him a couple weeks ago  he thought the area looked really good and is not wanting to treat it now.


Honey for mall cuts - OK, deep ones - 'burns like you are pouring acid on it! ( but it still works great!)

I've put it on some pretty bad burns ( scalded wrist, etc) and it was nothing short of amazing - a couple hours later it was like it had never happened.

I've also had similar results with propolis for cuts. ('No burning sensation).

Who will ever know if things would have healed just as well without either? No matter - I'm a believer, especially in free* medicine.
The bees usually fix my mistakes


My daughter came to our farm with a nasty, 1/8" deep x 1/4" wide x 2" long infected burn 2 years ago. I told her to get a gauze pad, some tape and put some honey on it. The next morning she came out of her room all excited and showed me that all of the infection was gone. It also healed up real nice leaving very little scarring.
I have several customers that were allergies sufferers that after 3 weeks of one tablespoon a day got completely off of their allergic medicine.
I take care of a hive for a woman that has fiber mialsia (a wrong spelling) after being bed redden and taking drugs that did not work, she started getting bee stings every day. That was 20 years ago and she has to have her stings every day or she cannot get out of bed.
I keep a honey bear bottle on my desk at work. If I get a sore throat or start sneezing or any other sign of getting sick, I immediately take a mouthful of honey and within a half hour the symptoms are gone. I usually have to do the same each morning for a week or so until my body can completely kill the bug.
A good friend had cancer and was beyond help by the doctors. Her world was collapsing around her so knowing she was, as a child, allergic to bees, she bought a bee hive. That was over 12 years ago and she gets stung every day and she is still going strong.
In Langstroth's book, the hive and the Honey Bee, he makes the statement several times that the honey bee was put here on earth for man because of all the medicinal effects we get from the hive.
There is a good book that I will search and post that has hundreds of remedies that we get from the hive.
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin


In Ebooks, look up:
Basic health Users Guide to. Propolis, Royal Jelly, Honey and Bee Pollen by C. Leigh Broadhurst PhD.
It has all of the known cures.
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin


I finally used honey on some puncture wounds that would not stop bleeding. I was impressed at not only how it helped stop the bleeding, but how fast the healing process was. I definitely would recommend it as a treatment.