Selling candles, success stories?

Started by D Coates, March 02, 2015, 02:02:56 PM

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D Coates

I started selling candles this year and did well with the votive ($2.50) and tea lights ($.75).  I did not do well with the hand dipped (6" $8, 8" $10, and 10" $12).  At first glance I was thinking my prices may be too high but then I started thinking there may not be a market for the larger ones, or people prefer pinecone, skep, or some other molds or colors I've not tried or have.  I've got wax and I'm trying to find a way to put some value into it and sell it for profit.  If anyone could share their successes stories with selling candles or wax related products I be greatly appreciative.

I did well with beeswax soap ($5, per bar) this year but there's only an ounce or 2 of bees wax consumed per 5# of soap.
Ninja, is not in the dictionary.  Well played Ninja's, well played...