pollenation ????

Started by TREBOR, February 15, 2006, 12:08:28 PM

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when one does pollenation work, how long do the bees need
to be at the site?   on average!
what types of pollenation work is avalible and when and where????
Thanks ahead of time!
and have fun!


Before we can go anywhere else with your question we have to fix the pollenation thing.  For some unknown grammatical reason the "e" in pollen changes to an "i" in pollination.  Now that we're past that; There are dozens of crops that benefit from honeybee pollination.  For some of these crops the growers will pay to have bees "brought in".  Alfalfa seed, Almonds, Apples, Cherries, Canola, Blueberries, Cranberries, Melons, Vegetable seeds, and many more.  The dates and duration are as diverse as the crops. Some begin as early as February in California and Florida.  I would think that you might look into Blueberries in Maine that bloom in May I believe.  Good Luck.[/u]


the main thing depending on how long Trebor would be the bloom time of what ever you are being paid to do pollination for, so growers like mellon and cucumbers, since these plants bloom longer  than almonds, apple, cherries, ect. a friend of mine that lives in south georgia, he rents his hives out for a good part of the year because the farmer grows different vegetables at different times of the year, so it would depend on how long what ever your pollinating blooms, got to keep the farmer happy also, they will be wrighting the check....

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thanks you all,
 sorry for the misspelled word,I'm much better with numbers then grammer.
  I'm lucky to be able to use the internet at all, any ways you got my point.
I guess mostly I was thinking about allmonds in cal. and apples in wa.
if you could tell me the timing.
 In Vermont we have a dead space from Nov. through April, I know people with land out west and was thinking of spending part of the year out there, and wow if I could get paid for it , that would be even better.
I know its alot of work but work gets slow here for the winter.
its alot to consider and I most still grow the bees for the job, I was just
trying to see if it might be feezible..... :lol:
Thanks again for your replyssssss


Quote from: TREBOR
 sorry for the misspelled word,

Some people are just too picky. I'm sure we would have all known what you were talking about if you spelt it pollonation.
:rainbowflower:  Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.   :rainbowflower:


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QuoteSome people are just too picky. I'm sure we would have all known what you were talking about if you spelt it pollonation.
ya I'll never misspell pollanasion again!!!!! :lol:
but when you can care for 17,000 hives.......:shock: .....then I forgive a person for being picky, cause I still have alot to learn.
And they can teach me what I want to know!!!!!! :)


Chad S

My Uncles Brother is in VT he has a large operation there.  He goes to FL in the winter with his Bees.  This year he is thinking of going to CA for the Almond thing.  I believe we are talking thousands of hives here.  How big is your operation?



not very big, but I have big plans!!!!! :D


some people just don't want the poor guy to make a fool of himself when he goes out into the real world to do POLLENATION for that farmer in Georgia that has crops blooming all year long!!


Thats why he axes alot of questions :lol:
Thanks manybees!
Can you suggest a book or two?


Hmm....that's interesting. UVM (University of Vermont to those of you from out of the area) has an organic agriculture site (Apple trees!!!) about a quarter-mile behind my house...which, to be honest, I'm hoping my girls will be exploiting this spring. Given the 2-mile radius foraging thing, I'm actually counting on it.

I wonder if they're renting bees, or if they're cutting a deal with some local beekeepers...Maybe I should look into this...I walk my dog by there all the time...


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