Gentle bees or honey flow?

Started by JP, April 08, 2006, 09:27:01 AM

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Hey guys and girls,
the last 4 removals I've done (3 in March,1 yesterday) I've noticed the bees were calm and gentle. Yesterday didn't even need to smoke 'em, not even once. Was wondering if they are happy because there's nectar coming in or I'm just finding happy bees. Last year I did several in late summer and I remember those bees were not happy campers. For those of ypu who do removals what is your take? thnx, JP.
My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

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The difference is busy bees :lol:

If they're bringing in stores, I've found most colonies to be
gentle or at least not very aggressive.

Once they start running out of forage opportunities, there are
more bees just hanging around the hive with little to do. The
odds are that you will be more thoroughly investigated.


What do you do with all your removals?  Just add them to your yard or combine with existing hives.  I have a removal to do but am waiting for warmer weather here in Mich.  This is my first attempt.  It's in a wall of a wharehouse.
I bee a firefighter.


I can't do removals here in Texas from any occupied dwellings 'cause
the law states you must have a Pest Control license, but I put my
contact info on the net this spring and have been inundated with calls
so far (5 calls a day, minimum). :shock: I investigate a lot of calls
just to be sure they are not easy swarms, so I see a great number
of established nests in walls and such.

As for what to do with the bees, I've hived one so far and made
arrangements to partner up with another local bekpr. I also intend
to join a local club and will give them away if I run out of room in
my yard. My problem right now is the lack of medium supers, SBB's
and inner covers to house them in. I will also look for folks who are
willing to donate property space for a couple of hives, with the rent
paid in honey :wink:


I keep the ones I can. The one I got yesterday I will mix with another hive. This colony was in a hard to get to area. Without seriously jeopardizing the structural integrety of the area I had to work with I removed everything I could but didn't get the queen and unfortunately had to vanquish what bees I couldn't get to. I could barely squeeze my hand into the area they occupied. Was hoping for a better outcome but it doesn't always go the way you want it to.

you said you put your contact info on the net. Was curious to view that link. There are a lot of people here (in new orleans area) that would no sooner call an exterminator to kill bees. I prefer live removals (most of mine are) and I am looking for more exposure to do more removals because I enjoy bees so much. I happen to be an exterminator also, but one that is crazy for honey bees.
My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

My website


you said you put your contact info on the net. Was curious to view that link.

I placed myself on the swarm list at, somehow someone
also post my name on another site, but I don't know which one.
Just click on the swarm list.

All you do is send them an email with your name, area & contact info.
Be prepared to get lots of bee calls of all sorts.


:rainbowflower:  Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.   :rainbowflower:


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