6 billion light year old radio signal heard - designed for Earth's listening

Started by beemaster, August 06, 2013, 01:25:26 AM

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My background is electronics including radar transmission/reception.
With radar, we transmit very high power, short burst, signals and listen for that signal have bounce back as you mentioned. With a million watt directionally beamed signal hitting an object at 100 miles away we get a very weak signal return.
Now consider normal radio transmissions that are sent, in the lower frequency rang, less than ten thousand watt range going light years into space and then hitting a rather small object, compared to the distance traveled and then that minute signal traveling back that same number of light years to earth. Even if the signal does come back to earth, we do not have a receiver strong enough to detect it above the ambient noise of space.

Signals sent out from earth
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin


I don't know anything about radar but for long distances I would think light beams would be better than radio waves but as I say I know nothing about such things.
Brian Cardinal
Just do it

little john

Quote from: Van, Arkansas, USA on May 17, 2018, 06:54:11 PM
I did not enjoy studying physics, so much based on WHAT IF.  Now chemistry I luv, based on facts it is. Chemistry I loved, no arguing either prove it or shut up.

At a basic level, I fully agree - that's what first attracted me to chemistry.  However, I became disillusioned when I realised that no-one has a clue what constitutes the 'glue' which holds molecules together.  Most of us are brought up to believe in either electron disparity or sharing (Ionic and Covalent Bonding), both of which are nicely supported by the mechanics of Quantum Theory.  Except that the spectrum of Methane (CH4) doesn't show peaks which fit the expected shells ( i.e. it's a 'platypus' in the lexicon of Robert Pirsig), and so Molecular Orbital Bonding Theory was proposed to overcome this type of anomaly.  The problem then becomes that we're expected to believe in an electron being in two different places at exactly the same time, as well as the concepts of Bonding and Anti-Bonding Molecular Orbitals.  At which point Yours Truly says he's had quite enough of that, and returns to what he considers to be The Real World.

Physics gets everywhere it seems, even into the Physics of Molecular Bonding.  And life used to be so simple ...
A Heretics Guide to Beekeeping - http://heretics-guide.atwebpages.com


Quote from: Acebird on May 20, 2018, 03:24:11 PM
I don't know anything about radar but for long distances I would think light beams would be better than radio waves but as I say I know nothing about such things.
Actually they are both both radio waves. Light waves are just a higher frequency radio wave.
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin

Van, Arkansas, USA

LJ{Molecular Orbital Bonding Theory}

Hey Buddy, good afternoon.  Kekule structures do not exist, we draw on paper to simplify the chemistry.  Electrons don?t orbit, rather spin opposite to each other in pairs if possible to equal the energy of the proton.  Electrons we say orbit : {SPDF} are the orbit levels but these are not true orbits like the moon earth and sun.  There are levels of energy that emit heat or light: such as a light bulb emits as an electron deceleration to a lower energy say from orbit P to orbit S and emits a single photon(light) as result is entering a more stable, lower energy state for the electron.

However the electron is spinning in what we call an outer orbit but in reality the electron is not orbiting rather it is in a place we cannot know the precise location of {chaos theory} and {enthropy} random disorder so to simplify we say orbit or orbiting.

Not to confuse with water: precise angle of Hydrogen to oxygen of 104.5 (?). Yes we know the exact angle of the hydrogen to water but we can only guess approx, location of electrons based on polarity of the atom of water.

Are ya with me on this one???

Van, Arkansas, USA

Kekule structure:


I just drew kekule structure for two carbon molecules without hydrogens.   I cannot with this keyboard draw more than that.  I just wanted to demonstrate a kekule structure.


Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin


Quote from: Michael Bush on August 06, 2013, 11:21:00 AM
Now if "the"y know something about us as a people, and not just our planets cycles, "they" might know something about how long a second is...
Surely they musk know something about us as people... otherwise how would they know what size to make the anal probes?

Van, Arkansas, USA

My Great nephew ask me if space men were possible, he knows I am a scientist.

This is what I told my nephew: there are over a billion galaxies that we can see, there are over a billion planets to each galaxy.  That?s s lot of possibilities.  However if you want to believe in spacemen visiting Earth, you must believe they are very old spacemen because the closest galaxy, Orion Nebula is over 600 light years away.  Then I explained what a light year is, time and distance.

BTW, my personal belief is the Bible.  I am not here to try to convert any person, just stating my belief.  More power to ya, to each his/her own, believe as you will, no argument from me.