honey super question

Started by filmmlif, April 20, 2006, 01:10:19 AM

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i have 9 of 10 frames in my deep honey super that are either capped or drying and should be capped soon. i have never had surplus honey before so here are a couple of questions;
1) when do i put on another super (i'm only using deeps)
2) and do i just put it on top of the one that's already on it?



You put an empty super just over the brood area. And don't mind if queen rise there to lay eggs.

But  if you have situation that your brood deep is half full honey, you may put a new box to the place of brood deep. This prevents swarming. You may of course pick honey frames and lift them to upper box.

Don't let your hive become full of honey. It will swarm. If you have one box full of honey, you should keep 2 box more for ripening honey.

I think that it is time turn deeps for swarm prevention.  I guess that you have swarming season in Texas?  http://maarec.cas.psu.edu/PDFs/Swarm_Prev_Control_PM.pdf

If you have honey flow give to colony foundations to build.