Looking for Michigan bees

Started by Flint, November 01, 2016, 08:00:48 PM

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I am looking to to start 4 hives in the spring , like to get bees from Michigan if I can. Anyone know of Michigan bees for sale?


The best bees are the FREE feral bees you catch in your swarm traps. Make up a few. A deep box makes a good swarm trap if placed about 6 feet off the ground. Don't place them too high, they can get very heavy very quickly in a good flow.
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin


Flint, If your from flint these 2 will be close.
Honeydew Apiaries is in Swartz Creek,there web site is down it looks likebut
if you have face book pm Mark, https://www.facebook.com/HoneydewApiaries
Dave Anthony at AWS is also Swartz Creek, he has package bees and nucs,these
both come from California.http://www.awsbeesllc.com/, Honeydew Apiaries are nucs
only and over wintered in Michigan.I got 2 nucs from Mark this may both are 5 mediums
strong and harvested 10 gallons of honey first year.I have no experience with packages
but have a friend in Davison that got 2 packages from AWS this spring that are doing good.
Hope this helps good luck,get your orderr in early they go fast