Those pesky ETs

Started by Jerrymac, March 05, 2005, 10:56:58 AM

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Here are some thoughts about "creatures" from outter space. We are pretty sure they must be from very far off places. Of course not knowing how they precieve time we have to imagine they either take many hundreds of years to get here, or they have warp drive capabilities. But either way they must be of higher intelegence.

Am I right?

Being as smart as we think they are, they would come down here and what do they see? Why we have man made vehicles circling the earth. We have man made structures sticking up out of the ground. We have other vehicles navigating the oceans, and scurrying along man made road ways. We even have flying machines.

Now I would think that an intelligent creature would think there was some sort of intelegent life here on earth. That we earthlings had some sort of capability to communicate. Surely they could pick up our radio waves. And some how they would come to the conclussion that we have some primative form of medicine. Meaning that we have done research into the human body. Why wouldn't they seek out our medical facilities and abduct medical records to find out about the human condition?

Surely they have seen us at war. Why wouldn't they seek out our generals to learn what our actual capabilities are.

Why do you suppose they abduct people from remote places, that don't know a heck of a lot of stuff, and run primitive test upon them?
:rainbowflower:  Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.   :rainbowflower:


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ummmmmmmmm. to save them from the tornados that were planning to attack the trailer court?


Interesting Jerry:

Your point about radiowaves seems valid especially to the SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) people who have been listening for decades for a sign of anything remotely alien across the radio spectrum.

Of course, people who say that aliens are already here (and have been for tens of thousands of years) it doesn't make sense to broadcast to deep space when they could use a local cable access channel - lol.

I'm not sure WHAT aliens would want to know about us that they already should know from our TV and Radio - but who's to say they even need to watch those in order to know about us. Could they have a DNA reader that pops-up the entire family tree and all its collective experiences. Might they have DNA sniffers which only require a scent of you to break down your entire history.

Are we just parasites in the way of them terraforming this planet to suit their own habitation. And I wonder why we always think that we are such a good catch - couldn't we possibly have too much oxygen, too much water or sunlight for aliens to survive in?

And I think the best is that we ALWAYS assume an ET is within the general description of our own size and shap - within a few feet and a few pound. Couldn't they be micro-ETs, literally so small that a thousand ships could easily pass through the head of a pin together - or so large that they could easily walk across the contenents without getting their feet wet?

I know that the triangle ships are huge - people who have seen them say they are often thousands of feet long and hundreds of feet wide. I wonder if these are the harborer of a thousand warriors or the cramped cockpit of a single creature like our early Gemini return modules.

I know that we have the ability to see license plates from satalites 26,000 miles up in high orbit and I tend to think our technology is fairly grade-school compared to how it will be just a few decades from now. Imagine if we are around a thousand years at this growth in technology - what will our gadgets be like then? It's not to hard to think that aliens who have been around longer at the same developement rate, or one that had greater paradgym growth in their technologies - could easy do things that appear magical to us, but is common place to them.

I believe the reason we don't have solid evidence with the ETs (all the different species that have visited and stayed) is because our goverments already have had successful communications and some argeements have been met in the amount of information made available to the public.

I think we see space craf ONLY BECAUSE it does have to get from one place on Earth to another and shipping it by truck is NOT always feasible. Sometimes, you just have to fly the darned thing and hope for the least observations as possible - then again, most people are concidared crackpots who see these flights - so it's easy to get away with limited but neccessary flights.

I think medical information about us has been share or taken, at least to the degree that ETs might require. Could be that they have no real interest in us beyond the basic biology 101 stuff.

So, do I think the President knows anything about UFOs - no! I'm sure he is kept out of that loop just as the rest of us are. But I don't doubt that there are special agencies, which are as dedicated as the Secret Service when it comes to keeping information silent. I honestly don't think that AS A SPECIES we are totally ready to cohabitate with other species. But who knows, they might be in our homes right now in the form of cats or dogs.

I don't know about you, but I have seen amazing creatures in the oceans and on land  which are so different from the human species that I would concider them alien - who knows, maybe they are.
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

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  I don't want to offend anybody but, to me aliens are like bigfoot, no one can produce any real proof of their existence. I'm not saying they are not out there but, show me the baby. I know Roswell etc. etc. Do you ever listen to these people, I'm sorry they are just don't sound very credible. again, I don't want to make it sound as If I'm bashing people who believe but, I ain't buying it..........yet


I know many people who have never seen God, but believe in him.

My beliefs (and you'll find many theories here in this forum) basically go to the CHANCES of PROBABILITY of life out there. Do you believe LIFE (however different from us) exists elsewhere in the Universe?

I do find it hard to believe that life from deep space could find it's way here, we are remotely placed even in our rather average galaxy and it is remotely spaced among countless gazillions of other galaxies. So finding us in itself would be remarkable, having life forms smart enough to get here (obviously using some propulsion system we have no ideas about how it could travel such vast distances) but I still believe it is/was likely a one-way trip of deep space exploration.

Every vessel we have does have a point of no return (even subs and ships with nuclear powerplants will eventually die off - albeit thousands of years. The fuel well exceeds the lifespan of all other materials these vessels are made of, not to mention the crews.

But back to the question, do you believe any for of life exists outside our atmosphere? If all this was God's plan, then he had a huge caulk board and limited imagination when it came to creating life. A starry night serves no purpose if all it is, is a lightshow.

I just think it would be sad if in all the vastness of the Universe we stood alone gazing at the night sky. If it was a BIG BANG, then the idea of something from nothing seems a bit too much to swallow. And if a single planet in a small solar system can be just the right distance from it's sun to become what Earth has, then why not elsewhere?

No... they don't need spaceships, they could be squirmy things floating in ooze, but I believe life is out there. And if they had an early enough start, and all the right stuff, why not quest for space travel and if they developed long before us, they may have been here million and even billions of years before man was.

You might think everyone who sees something unexplained to be a kook, but it is when you experience something strange yourself that ALL OF A SUDDEN what was nuts a minute ago, is plausible now.

NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

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As I said in another topic somewhere, if you watch some of these shows like national geographic, Science channel, Discovery channel, and read a bunch of stuff about how the earth formed got its seasons and the moon and atmosphere and water and...... The list goes on and on. Then I just watched some other something the other day and it is very unlikely for life to have gotten started and survived long enough to become intelligent right here on earth.

What is the chances of identical finger prints? Life on another planet would have a lesser chance of starting, much less be intelligent.
:rainbowflower:  Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.   :rainbowflower:


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Quote from: Jerrymac on January 06, 2009, 11:55:53 AM
As I said in another topic somewhere, if you watch some of these shows like national geographic, Science channel, Discovery channel, and read a bunch of stuff about how the earth formed got its seasons and the moon and atmosphere and water and...... The list goes on and on. Then I just watched some other something the other day and it is very unlikely for life to have gotten started and survived long enough to become intelligent right here on earth.

What is the chances of identical finger prints? Life on another planet would have a lesser chance of starting, much less be intelligent.

Jerry that is true but, even if it is one other planet in the billions, if not trillions out there. If it happened someplace else guess what 2 in a trillion still means..............We are not Alone.




   I can accept the fact that there may be life out there but, the chance of an encounter is astronomical squared. Its not as if they are taking sunday drives to earth and scare rednecks for fun. Why would they just not communicate with us at a safe distance? Why wouldn't they give us some legitimate example of their existence. I know there are perfectly sane people that have witnessed unexplained phenomenons, this is why the term unidentified is used, they are unidentified. And yes, I have personally seen things in my life that have scared the you know what out of me. I would have bet anything that what I was seeing was something supernatural; later to realize that there was an explanation that proved me wrong.
    Again, I'm not saying they don't exist but its very,very doubtful



I just now noticed that I am the one that started this nearly four years ago. Took awhile for some one to find and respond. I already forgot about it  :-\
:rainbowflower:  Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.   :rainbowflower:


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I like reading all the old post's to. I'll do a search for some thing and all the sudden I'm in another topic or another world :-D
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I keep hearing two issues tied together and they shouldn't be. The first, is there life elsewhere in the Universe? I say if the odds are quad-trillions to 1 that life could exist, then it probably does concidaring the size of the Universe.

The second, less important issue could they find their way here, this one of course is very doubtful UNLESS of course you forget everything we THINK we know about space travel limitations. We have this theory (and it is nothing more than that) that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light - this limits radio communication and even the old question "If you are traveling faster than light speed, will your headlights work?"

Saying light is the ULTIMATE SPEED in which things can travel may be premature and restricted to the only a few decades of radio-space science. We are mear infants in leaving our own planet, let known know what is possible if an intelligent race is given thousands of generations to find alteritive means of travel.

I still say the ULTIMATE means of travel is through conscious energy, not spaceships or worm holes. I could talk Out of Body Experiences all day - here is the link if you haven't read some of my thoughts will fill you in.

Butif conscious thought is able to travel both time and space, imagine if you could find a way to attach a space craft to it and INSTANTLY be anywhere you wanted to be. Also imagine that you have computers and software able to DEEP SPACE predict the likeliness of life sustaining planets, even gauge the age and development of the planet. Think of it as a really big Google Earth.

You need to think out of the box, saying we know things "are only relative" to our own experiences and theories. What works here doesn't mean a billion light years away the same rules apply, I live in New Jersey and don't see Spanish Moss hanging from my trees, but go south and it's everywhere. Like the three blind men felling an elephant, each has their own prospective. I just think mankind really limits what they can do by their own preconceived concepts of how things will react.

So I say: life elsewhere, very likely but life is anything from micro-organisms to conscious energy beings who no longer need bodies to exist. Sure call it sci-fi, but go back 100 years and explain the common items like cellphones, TVs airplanes and a million other daily used items and people would think you a witch or a god.

Its just so sad that if life exists elsewhere, lots of things would have to align for them to find us and equally magical things needed to get to us. But that does not mean it is impossible, it is only impossible to us, as long as we believe traveling at light speed is as fast as we can go. I'd love to be here a hundred years from now when people talk about how primative we were, likely we'll look like cave men to their technology.

NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

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 You are sopposing things are true because they can't be disproved.  Thats not science thats belief, thats fine. As far all things being relative that it true but, If I jump off a cliff there is a possibility that a wind could catch me and be blown back to safety ; the provability is that I'm going to die. Thats a frame of reference everybody accepts because of our experiences and its not perspective. If you say look outside the box; I say how about a little critical thinking.
I appreciate the dialog, I'm sure we could find many things that we could agree on but, I don't think this will be one of them. until later, David

Brian D. Bray

Actually the fastest one can travel is the speed of thought.  Think about it.  You think you'd like to do some sight seeing on the moons of Jupiter or Saturn and suddenly you're there.  Our soft matter realm is the only one in which you can't travel that fast.   
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