lovers lookout point

Started by beecanbee, July 12, 2017, 06:03:21 AM

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A teenage girl and boy are sitting at the local lookout point one evening and the girl asks, "Do you wanna see where they took out my appendix?"  Adding as she glanced down in obvious embarrassment? ?It is way down there.?

The young man gets very excited, gulps and says, "Sure!"

She smiles, then lifts her hand, points, and says?

"Do you see those really bright orange lights over there? That's the hospital where they took out my appendix."
"I come from a state that raises corn and cotton and cockleburs and Democrats, and frothy eloquence neither convinces nor satisfies me. I am from Missouri. You have got to show me."  Duncan Vandiver

A boy can do half the work of a man, but two boys do less, and three boys get nothing done at all. :)

(False) Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.  - Samuel Johnson


Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin