Beetle Test - [warning--poll inside]

Started by eltalia, August 14, 2017, 07:02:25 AM

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As some would know SHB is a new experience for this ol' dog.
In catching up I believe it important to recognise objects and symptoms
within a colony "on the fly", so it is I test myself with this image, lifted from elsewhere.
I have made my call and written it on a tiny bit of paper secured by my right hand.

I would like to know if I got it right, "on the fly".
Is this creature a hive beetle?
A Yes or a No is plenty of info ;-)




Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin



Okay guys and gals... time to call it in what with views being past  50
in number most 'regulars' would have had a chance to post a conclusion.

My scrap of paper says "No".
Yet I was not sure, even with checking some entomology(sp?) sites first.
What I iniatialy ran with was the fact there was only one sighted and that
on the extetnal wood of the hive. I found that contrary to the little experience
I do have. Then there was as Jim says, no club like antennae.
So I took a best guess and posted the topic.
Since then I note anyone anywhere is calling this SHB, and at least one person
considered "reputable".. so indeed these things are in the eye of the beholder.
I attach a p'shpd insertion of SHB with the original... sized to compare apples
with apples.
Note the wing architecture and thorax dimensions.

Thankyou Jim and Andrew for being the only two of 40+ to positively
contribute to what should be education for all.




Hi Bill,I think I could have made a mistake. I once found similar looking Beetles like your first picture inside Rose flowers. I had forgotten about that, I spoke to a Bug professional and he said they were not SHB.

Sorry the two images are are very different, so I will retract my first comment and wear my glass's more.



Quote from: Anybrew2 on August 17, 2017, 06:28:08 PM
Hi Bill,I think I could have made a mistake. I once found similar looking Beetles like your first picture inside Rose flowers. I had forgotten about that, I spoke to a Bug professional and he said they were not SHB.

Sorry the two images are are very different, so I will retract my first comment and wear my glass's more.


Yep Steve, we have something similar, said critter which 'hides' in banana fronds not occupied by
Green Tree Frog. Much smaller than SHB I still had a chill run up the spine when first seeing what
I thought was them inside a nucleus colony I was nursing along.
My work with Trigona (stingless native bees[1]) has taught me to check entomology sites for each
and every sighting, regardless of first conclusion.
There is why this exercise was not a "test" as such, with P&D being the newest frontier for BK(ng)
to be very sure before taking action is paramount.
Ask twice, do once applies, methinks ;-)




Van, Arkansas, USA

That beetle is called a rose beetle, the one beside the small hive beetle.  In case anyone want to put a name on it.