Did my First OAV Treatment Today

Started by Beeboy01, August 18, 2018, 09:15:49 PM

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blackforest beekeeper

The scientiest I mentioned said it doesn`t matter mcuh about the dosage. 1 gram should suffice for two deeps is his opinion. I use 1 gram (tablets) for any hive I treat. Seems to work. Lots of fumes.


Thanks Beebpy01.  Am crystal clear now.  [emoji108]
When the lid goes back on, the bees will spend the next 3 days undoing most of what the beekeeper just did to them.


Gotta vent on this, I took the graph and wand in to the local bee club just to show how well it worked and the finial results of the OAV treatments and was met with a total disinterest from the president and some of the other club officers. The general comment was that it took too much time to treat the hive doing it every four days. Basically got blown off so I decided not to press it. The old saying "you can lead them to water but can't make them drink" comes to mind.
  Now the club is there to present different ideas and ways of bee keeping to the members and I just don't get their reaction to the information I presented. Getting off the soap box. :)


Quote from: Beeboy01 on October 30, 2018, 11:06:04 AM
Gotta vent on this, I took the graph and wand in to the local bee club just to show how well it worked and the finial results of the OAV treatments and was met with a total disinterest from the president and some of the other club officers. The general comment was that it took too much time to treat the hive doing it every four days. Basically got blown off so I decided not to press it. The old saying "you can lead them to water but can't make them drink" comes to mind.
  Now the club is there to present different ideas and ways of bee keeping to the members and I just don't get their reaction to the information I presented. Getting off the soap box. :)

Sounds to me like the club president and officers are overdue for being replaced. ...
Different points of view and healthy debate are crucial to any well functioning and progressive group. Peer challenge and critic are essential. It is also perfectly acceptable at the end to agree to disagree.
However when facts are clear and overwhelming; nay sayers and egos need to be promptly stomped and swept aside.  imho.

I personally sincerely appreciated your effort here in this thread.  By far the best contribution to the evidence and knowledge base on the OAV method that I have seen in a long time.  Let me just say this; large apiary operations that use OAV as one of their main tools - cannot be wrongly using it nor can afford to be frivolous about doing so.  You are on the right track Beeboy01. You can either influence positive change at your club or just leave them in the dust behind as you undoubtedly become much more successful than they will be.

When the lid goes back on, the bees will spend the next 3 days undoing most of what the beekeeper just did to them.

Ben Framed

I am another that very much appreciates what you have done with your research. The time invested, the thought, and sharing that with your friends here. Good job!! Thank  you very much beeboy!!
Sincerely, Phillip Hall

PS  When Mr Claude speeks, I listen very closely. IN my opinion you have been honored by his comment...


Thanks all, I'm not mad just a little disappointed in the response my numbers received. Guess I need to go for a Master Beekeeper's Certificate to be heard. I've seen the club swing from one type of treatment to another, sort of the flavor of the week which seems to be heat treating this time around.
  After all I had fun running the experiment and learned a lot plus saved the hive so from my point of view it was a success. Passing the info on to the board helped me a lot, thanks for all the comments and input. Kinda wish I had done a sugar roll at the beginning and the end, maybe next time cause mites always seem to come back.