They really don't kick that bad

Started by Spur9, March 15, 2018, 01:49:05 PM

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7a - 1650ft


Everybody should shoot one once.  One time is enough, though. :cool:
"Liberty lives in the hearts of men and women; when it dies there, no constitution, no laws, no court can save it." - Judge Learned Hand, 1944


A local gun store was going out of business and I got a sweet deal on a S&W 460XVR.  Came with a scope and sling.  Supposedly accurate to 200 yards if shooting the 460 S&W Magnum case.  Will also chamber and shoot the 45 Colt and 45 Casull.  Fastest revolver on the planet in terms of velocity.

I love bringing that mama out and shooting it.  Hardly any kick at all due to the weight. 

When the kids grow up and I can make the time to hunt again, I'll be taking that on a trip or two.
7a - 1650ft


I shot a 44 mag handgun once, just once. I bought one right before deer season. At that time I did most of my deer hunting on a good mule I had. He was quite used to 30-30 and 12 gauge. When I would lift the gun he would immediately lower his head and ears. i guess so I wouldn't shoot an ear off.

Anyway, I spot a nice buck, sight in on him and fire. My mule turns back and looks at me like,"what the heck was that!" My ears rang for about 5-10 minutes. When I got back to camp with the deer, I sold the 44 to the first taker. :smile:

A very effective weapon, but not the easiest on ears and recoil, I can only imagine what a 50cal would be like to shoot.


I got a good laugh out of that story.  :grin:
Actually, still laughing.
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin

Michael Bush

If I owned one, I would handload it down to about a .357s foot pounds of energy and use it for it's intimidation factor... nothing like looking down a 1/2" bore to make you think twice...
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