Bee Shorts

Started by max2, January 11, 2024, 04:31:12 PM

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I saw 19-20 days for dorsata workers and 19 for cerana
I come from under the hill, and under the hills and over the hills my paths led.  And through the air, I am she that walks unseen.

Michael Bush

And according to the actual scientists who did the scrupulous and seminal research on honey bees before foundation, Huber and Dzierzon, 19 days for Apis mellifera on natural sized comb.
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"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin


Wow, that's interesting.  I never really put that together between the fact that small cell reduces the brood development time and how that would make it closer to the development time of the Asian bees. 
I come from under the hill, and under the hills and over the hills my paths led.  And through the air, I am she that walks unseen.

Michael Bush

"When the young worker-bee has left the cell ? which, reckoning from the egg, will be the case at the end of nineteen days, under favourable circumstances, but generally at the end of twenty to twenty-one days..."

--Jan Dzierzon, Rational Bee-Keeping, 1882 English edition, Pg 20
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"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin


I think i have asked this question before.  If smaller cells make smaller bees and shortens the incubation time, then what effect does this have on mite infestation?

Michael Bush

Why natural or smaller cells?
Varroa Life Cycle
Foundress enters the brood cell just before capping.

Lays one egg about every 30 hours.

First is male the rest are female.

Females have to reach maturity and mate to be viable and this takes 10.5 days from when the egg is laid.

Typical number of offspring in a worker cell with 21 day cycle (capped on day 9 and emerge 12 days later) is between one and two (1.5 +- 0.5) in a drone cell between three and four (3.5 +- 0.5). On small or natural cell the cycle is 19 days and the offspring are between none and one (0.5 +- 0.5)

During its time in the capped cell all of those Varroa, foundress and offspring, feed on the pupae weakening it and spreading viruses.

After emergence of the bee, the viable mites (the foundress mite and the one or two that made it to maturity and mated) go into their phoretic stage clinging to the bees and sucking their hemolymph like a tick, again spreading viruses and weakening the bees.


How do smaller cells help?
Male survivorship
Less male mites survive: Reproduction of Varroa destructor in South African honey bees: does cell space influence Varroa male survivorship? Stephen J. MARTIN*, Per KRYGER

Shortened Pupation
A model of the mite parasite, Varroa destructor, on honeybees (Apis mellifera) to investigate parameters important to mite population growth. D Wilkinson, , G.C Smith
More chewing out of varroa
Small cell and natural cell beekeepers have noted more chewing out of Varroa when regressing their bees.

Pre and Post Capping Times and Varroa
8 hours shorter capping time halves the number of Varroa infesting a brood cell.
8 hours shorter post capping time halves the number of offspring of a Varroa in the brood cell.


Accepted days for capping and Post Capping.(based on observing bees on 5.4 mm comb)
    Capped 9 days after egg laid
    Emerges 21 days after egg laid
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"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin


Hi Folks,

Has this been put on here yet?

David Attenborough on bees and flowers:


Michael Bush

The problem Evolution has is explaining why flowers would evolve when there are no bees or bees would evolve when there are no flowers.  Flowers serve no purpose for the plants without bees and bees can't live without flowers.
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"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin

Terri Yaki

Now that was interesting

Terri Yaki

Which came first, the flower or the bee?   :cool:


I would bee willing to bet that the flowers of some sort, probably without petals like black gum or produced air borne pollen first like pines and oaks, and slowly evolved together.
Jim Altmiller
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin