A Little Book of Bee Poems

Started by rusty, January 15, 2007, 01:27:43 PM

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Hi All,

May I just tell you about my latest book, released last week.
If you like bees and reading about them you will enjoy these poems, they light reading and easy for children as well as adults, with poems such as Bee Speak, which wonders about the strange language we beekepers use, Swarm Swarm, which is quite a breathless poem, about getting that Swarm caught! and Do Not Disturb, a little tale, the moral of which is "Follow the Country Code!" A nice little book to enjoy with that cup of coffee before going back out to the bee yard.
available from
although it will take a little time to get to Amazon.

Thanks for listening Folks!
Rusty Wise,

Author and illustrator of the Belinda Bee Books,and A little Book of Bee Poems
www.trafford.com (Search Desk)