The knob

Started by BeeMaster2, September 17, 2019, 01:01:59 PM

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The Tuesday Joke of the Day 😂😂

A lady in her late 40's goes to a plastic surgeon for a facelift.
The doctor tells her of a new procedure called 'The Knob'.

A small knob is implanted on the back of a woman?s head and it can be turned to tighten the skin, producing the effect of a brand new facelift forever.

Naturally, the woman wants 'The Knob'.

Fifteen years later, she goes back to the surgeon.

"All these years, everything?��s been fine. I?ve turned 'The Knob' on lots of occasions and I?ve loved the results. But now I?ve developed two problems.

First of all, I?ve got awful bags under my eyes, and 'The Knob' won?��t get rid of them."

The doctor looks at her and says,

"Those aren?t bags, those are your breasts."

"Oh," she says. "Well, I guess that explains the goatee."
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin


You cannot permanently help men by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves - Abraham Lincoln