Need a smoker....

Started by beebiz, February 06, 2006, 10:17:35 PM

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I live in West Tennessee and have one hive.  My wife and I are disabled and have been unable to work for 2 years now.  We are in the process of getting our disability, but that hasn't happened yet!

I am in need of a smoker to use to work my bees, but money is non-existant aroud my house right now.  We've had to sell virtually everything we own just to pay our bills.  If anyone has a smoker that they would loan me or has one that they don't need and would be willing to pass on to someone who DOES need it, I'd appreciate knowing about it.

Thanks in advance for any help you might be willing to offer.

Smile!  The rest of the world will wonder what the heck you're up to!


I'm sure you could make something that would work untill
you get paid .....
like find a tin can with a metal top, a peice of copper tubing,
some heat resistent glue like jb weld,  put some holes in the bottom for vent, then a hole in the side at the bottom for the tubing, glue it in place
then you need to make a grate and put it inside in the bottom to keep the burning material above the tubing.   Light it up and when you want to smoke the hive just blow in the tube (DO NOT SUCK) ,
oh ya put a smaller lenth of tubing in the metal top....for the smoke to come out of.. :D

I saw a film about germen beekeeping and they used something that looked like a tabacco pipe, that hung in there mouth, when they needed smoke they just blow on the pipe.....and it came out a bent tube at the top

Or you could simply put some smoldering wood or cardboard on a
pie tin and fan it in the entrance with a feather.......

old time beekeepers had to make all there own stuff,
less they were rich!!!!

I hope that helps......sorry I only have one smoker


Thanks Trebor!  Those are some very interesting ideas.  I'd never have thought about the pie tin.  I had been trying to think of a way to make a smoker from a can, but don't have any kind of tubing to use or any way of fastening it to a can.  I know JB Weld is not that expensive, but when you are as broke as we are right now, even a couple of dollars is a lot of money!  But again, thanks for the ideas!!

Smile!  The rest of the world will wonder what the heck you're up to!

Bruce Hanson

Got money for your computer ,internet. Do you have cable TV too. No money-- sounds kind of smokey to me.Get a big cigar and blow smoke with it


Bruce said:
QuoteGot money for your computer ,internet.

Had the computer long before we became disabled.  The internet is packaged in with our phone bill and costs less than $5 per month.  A friend of ours helps with that so that she and my wife can keep in touch with each other.

Bruce said:
QuoteDo you have cable TV too.

Sure don't!!  Can't afford it right now!!!!!

Bruce said:
QuoteGet a big cigar and blow smoke with it.

Don't smoke, so you can keep your cigar!!

Bruce said:
QuoteNo money-- sounds kind of smokey to me.

I don't doubt that in the least.  Aparently you have never been in the situation that my wife and I are in right now.  And, maybe you never will be.  But if you ever are, maybe you will run into someone with your degree of compassion who will be willing to liberally share it with you just as you have with me.  Thank you so much!!

As I recall, I did not ask for anyone to give me the money to buy a smoker.  Nor did I ask anyone to buy one and give it to me.  I said this:
beebiz said:
QuoteIf anyone has a smoker that they would loan me or has one that they don't need and would be willing to pass on to someone who DOES need it, I'd appreciate knowing about it.

If you are so ignorant or so soured on the world that you cannot understand the concepts behind sharing and helping your fellow man, I feel very sorry for you.  You are by far worse off than my wife and I are, and we will pray for you!

By the way, thanks to Trebor's helpful suggestions, I have now used things that I got from the garbage and have made a smoker that will do me just fine until I can afford to buy one.  Thanks again Trebor.
Smile!  The rest of the world will wonder what the heck you're up to!

Bruce Hanson

Hey call off the dogs .What I wrote was suppose to be a joke,sorry you took it the wrong way.Sometimes people get way to serious There can be a little humor in most everything if you look for it.


Hello Beebiz!

I happen to live in East Tennessee and after reading your post about a smoker I happen to have an extra one that I would be glad to send you. It's old but works which is the main thing I reckon.

Please e-mail your address to me.
"Everybody has a story, take a moment to listen"


Bruce said:
QuoteHey call off the dogs .What I wrote was suppose to be a joke,sorry you took it the wrong way.Sometimes people get way to serious There can be a little humor in most everything if you look for it.

If the "dogs" have attacked, I assure you that it was not I who "sicked" them on you!  All I have done is to answer your "concerns" by better informing you of my situation.  I wanted to make sure that you and others who read this thread know that I am not the kind of person who can find a way to afford the "extras" in life (as you eluded to), yet be unable to afford a smoker.

Bruce said:
QuoteWhat I wrote was suppose to be a joke,sorry you took it the wrong way.Sometimes people get way to serious There can be a little humor in most everything if you look for it.

Your comments may have been offered in a joking spirit.  But, I assure you that our situation is one that is anything but comical or lighthearted.  I have always been one who was very self-sufficient.  And, having to ask for help in any way just goes completely against my grain!  But, I know that when I have been able to do so in the past, I have always tried to help my fellow man.  My dad says that the help that I have tendered in the past is now just being returned to me.  So thinking about it that way seems to help somewhat.

Please let me assure you and everyone who reads this thread that I have not responded out of anger.  But, your comments,
QuoteGot money for your computer ,internet. Do you have cable TV too. No money-- sounds kind of smokey to me.
were not at all amusing to me and they hurt me to the core.  And, following those comments with,
QuoteGet a big cigar and blow smoke with it
resonated with sarcasm.  And, at first it hurt badly.  But after thinking about it, I actually began feeling sorry for what appeared to be a person so devoid of compassion.  Hence, my offer of prayer on your behalf.

If in fact, this is a case of misunderstanding on my part, I apologize.  And if in fact, the "dogs" are nipping at your heals, I might offer this suggestion.  Before making assumptions about a person and their situation and turning it into a "joke," in the future you migh want to think about the possible impact of your comments before you offer them.

Just a thought!   :)
Smile!  The rest of the world will wonder what the heck you're up to!


Hey John,

Thank you so much for your offer.  And, I assure you that the age of the smoker would make NO difference to me whatsoever.  You are right on the money when you say that the main thing is that it works!!  But thanks to this thread, another member sent me a PM and offered a smoker to me.  He knows who he is and I now publicly thank him for his generosity!

If it happens that for some reason the first offer doesn't pan out, I will contact you.  But again, thnak you so much for your offer.

Smile!  The rest of the world will wonder what the heck you're up to!


I used a nasty old cigar 40 years ago when I couldn't afford a smoker.  Luckily, I sold some honey and bought a smoker.  I kept swarms I had  captured in cardboard boxes until I could afford more equipment.

I guess I'm an ogre, because I chuckled when I read Bruce' response.  It reminded me of struggling to keep bees, the stinking old cigars.  The occasional small grass fire that broke out when I dropped one.

For what it's worth, your not the only member of this forum with debilitating, and or life threatening illness.  You might take your own advice, and think before you launch another salvo.


thegolfpsycho said:
QuoteFor what it's worth, your not the only member of this forum with debilitating, and or life threatening illness.

Sir, I am quite aware of that.  And, I don't recall ever claiming to be the only one.  I admire and applaud anyone (including you) who overcomes obstacles (physical or financial) to keep bees or to do anything else that they enjoy doing!

thegolfpsycho said:
QuoteYou might take your own advice, and think before you launch another salvo.

My dictionary says this about the word salvo:
QuoteNoun salvow
1.  An outburst resembling the discharge of firearms or the release of bombs
2.  Rapid simultaneous discharge of firearms
3.  A sudden outburst of cheers
    "there was a salvo of approval"

I in no way made any sudden outburst of cheers (definition #3).  I did not make a rapid discharge of a firearm (definition #2).  And, I did not make an outburst resembling the discharge of firearms or the release of bombs (definition #1).  I simply stated the facts and attempted to explain my position.  And, I didn't even do that out of anger.  No name calling, no swearing, or anything of that nature.

But, I did find the suggestion that I was able to afford certain "luxeries," yet be unable to afford a simple smoker to be distasteful to say the least.  I found it to be so especially when the suggestion was based on pure assumption of my situation rather than on an intimate knowledge of my situation.  That was bad enough.  But, the "No money-- sounds kind of smokey to me." comment was totally uncalled for, completely out of line, and highly insulting to me.  He might just as well to have said that he believed me to be a liar.  And, he does not have enough personal knowledge about me or my situation to make that assessment about me.

This whole mess reminds me of a situation that I witnessed a few years ago outside a doctor's parking lot.  A fellow who appeared to be in his mid 30's parked in a handicap parking spot.  He got out of the car and started for the doctor's office.  To look at him and to watch his gait, you would think that there was nothing wrong with him.  The fellow standing next to me saw the same thing that I had seen.  After the mid 30's fellow got inside the building, the fellow next to me turned to me and said something to the effect that he'd wager that the other guy had stolen the handicap placard because he was just too lazy to walk from the other parking spaces.  "After all," he said, "I didn't see a darned thing wrong wtih him."

This man made those statements based on what he saw and what he assumed about the fellow.  He didn't bother digging deep enough to find the truth.  I did not know the mid 30's fellow well either.  But, I had spoken with him in the doctor's office before.  And, I knew that he had (among other things) some type of problem with his heart that allowed him to walk only a very few feet before he had to sit and rest.  The man's prognosis was death within the next 6 to 9 months.  He lived just over 4 months after this incodent

So, yes sir, I did think before I spoke.  I have in no way intended to hurt someone else's feelings nor to make them mad.  I simply wanted the man to consider other people's feelings before he begins making assumptions and making public accusations.

When a person extends their hand and asks for help, even if we know that the person's situation is self-inflicted or bogus, it is far more humane to kept our mouth shut than it is to bash or insult them.  Who knows, an once of kindness in just such a situation might just yeild itself to to the betterment of both lives concerned.

I try to live by "do unto others as you would have them do unto you."  If the situation had been reversed, I would sincerely hope that Bruce would have equally pointed out my wrong doing to me.
Smile!  The rest of the world will wonder what the heck you're up to!


I just want to add, there is NOTHING funny about being poor or handicapped, nothing.

I enjoy humor when applicable, but I didn't see the need for any in this post. I was asked to read this post and another one WHERE I posted a lengthy reply. I won't repeat anything else I've already type, I just wanted to answer differently here.

BeeBiz, Don't let people bait you on, life sucks enough for you right now to let matters dig at you here. I promise, this forum is NOT intended to make life worse, rather I hope it makes unbearable times a bit more bearable.  That may be a lofty goal, but if taking up this hobby (even if it is done virtually over a computer) gives you something to do to fill in long days and nights of pain and depression.

As a boy, my father worked 2 full time jobs just to pay for hospitals and medications to keep my brother alive and keep us fed and clothed - my father had no education beyond 5th grade because his father was absent and my dad was the thirteenth child who at the age of ten gathered rotting food from the discards of vegetable cart vendors, on a good day they ate these dump picking and were thankful they got to the scraps first.

I have seen both poor and extremely disabled and again, there is nothing about either - especially in a land of enormous wealth and possibilities.

Please stay as positive as you can here, it might be a minor escape from the crap life dishes out, but it CAN be a positive experience, as long as YOU let it. Best wishes and you and your wife will be in my prayers.

P.S. the other response concerns Finsky, you should read that post also. Best wishes.
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

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Beemaster, I just wanted to say thank you for your kind words and for your words of encouragement.  Your forum and two others are many times the only escape that I have from the bottom of the scrap heap that I sometimes feel I am burried under.  And, for the most part, your forum has been a wonderful experience for me.  And, the forum as well as the rest of your site has been EXTREMELY helpful in my quest to gain knowledge about keeping bees.  You have done a great job.  I applaud you, your efforts, and your willingness to share your knowledge with those of us who are not as knowledgeable!!

My wife and I welcome your prayers for us and will do the same for you.  May God contimue to bless you and your site.

By the way, I am sending you a PM.
Smile!  The rest of the world will wonder what the heck you're up to!


"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison


QuoteYour comments may have been offered in a joking spirit. But, I assure you that our situation is one that is anything but comical or lighthearted.
i agree sometimes you just can't be a' joking around.some people don't have it as good as others.that is what god allowed for them and it for his glory.