Do you hikers use this type equipment?

Started by Ben Framed, January 14, 2025, 04:47:14 PM

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Ben Framed


Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin

Ben Framed

The canary mountains is where it?s know for and is credited to have originated. I don?t know if others may have adopted this principle. This looks especially handy for those trail cutters in likewise terrain.  The Ozark, Appalachian, Catskill, and other hilly and Mountainous places might be similar in some circumstances. For the daring, off the beaten path type hikers. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Terri Yaki

I could use it to get down the steps in the morning.

Ben Framed

Ben Framed

I bet Reagan could enjoy something like this!


I would think it would burn blisters on your hands.
"Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me . . . Anything can happen, child. Anything can be"

*Shel Silverstein*

Ben Framed

I was wondering about that too iddee. They must have some kind of coating or gloves on, otherwise it would rub blisters for sure. (unless they do it so often they have thick callouses)? 🤷🏻‍♂️

If I was young I might try working my way up to their level.  Looks kinda fun!


 :grin:  No thank you!  I do not have the physical prowess to use something like that.  I'll stick with (pun intended) my standard walking stick, thank you very much!   
I come from under the hill, and under the hills and over the hills my paths led.  And through the air, I am she that walks unseen.

Ben Framed

Quote from: Ben Framed on January 14, 2025, 05:27:34 PM
I bet Reagan could enjoy something like this!
Quote from: The15thMember on January 15, 2025, 11:30:19 AM
:grin:  No thank you!  I do not have the physical prowess to use something like that.  I'll stick with (pun intended) my standard walking stick, thank you very much!

My apologies Reagan; From your post along with your location and age and being the outdoors type led to my reasoning, that such might be right up your alley!   :grin: :wink:

I can see where the freedom of mobility by these folk in such terrain as shown in the clip, might make the prospect look inviting to others with similar terrain, who are physically able and daring enough to learn.
