Re-queened - good news

Started by BusyBee, July 03, 2006, 07:43:31 AM

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I had a new package of bees with a new queen, which I had some problems with - see here

She just languished on the floor of the hive  :cry:

I re-queened on 19 June and left them alone. Inspected on 28 June and no sign of eggs, brood etc ... but queen found.

Inspected again on 1 July and there is plenty of brood - not yet capped. I must have missed the eggs on the previous inspection, which is perhaps not unusual on a very, very sunny day. The sunshine seems to reflect back off the comb.

Anyway .... all is well now and I'm just hoping the colony will build up some critical mass and good stores for the Winter.

Thank you all for your help and advice  :D

Brian D. Bray

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