Well we?ll we?ll

Started by saltybluegrass, December 28, 2023, 02:34:06 PM

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After 5 years the brand new State Apiary inspector calls alerting me to my inspection date
I immediately tell her I?m disabled mentally and worried she may find violations and is that her intention
She says innocently , oh uh I?m inspecting the hives but have you seen the latest COMPLIANCE RULES??!!!
Oh oh
She?s one of those
I may claim religious freedom and govt concern is a violation of my rights as I use my bee?s euphemistically in my doctrine as a teaching tool
Now whatcha got??!!
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world
Then all else falls in line
It?s up to me

Michael Bush

There are no guarantees, but all the inspectors I've met (and I've met several of the ones in Florida as well as other places) have been helpful and not trying to find any kind of violations.
My website:  bushfarms.com/bees.htm en espanol: bushfarms.com/es_bees.htm  auf deutsche: bushfarms.com/de_bees.htm  em portugues:  bushfarms.com/pt_bees.htm
My book:  ThePracticalBeekeeper.com
"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin


I agree with Mr. Bush. Always available. Always helpful. Always informative.

They work well, hand in hand with us.

They only come if asked,.... unless they have a reason such as AFB (one case in my county last summer). Then, they don't need a warrant.

They actually have a presentation night at our bee school each year, hand out brochures and varroa testing equipment. I and other members of my club communicate with them frequently.



If you were in Pennsylvania or somewhere else other than Florida, I might be worried.
Not here in Florida. Is your inspector Stephen Cutts? If so don?t worry. Stephen is a third or fourth generation beekeeper who knows his job and does it well. He is mainly looking for signs of AFB. Ask him all the questions you have.
I know his old boss, David Westervelt, he did several talks here at BeeFest this year, and he would never tolerate inspectors trying to cause problems for beekeepers. I?m sure the new supervisor of inspectors is the same way. Causing problems for our beekeepers is a good way of making beekeepers not register and to hide their hives.
Jim Altmiller
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin


She can come an inspect mine.  He, he have fun with that.
Brian Cardinal
Just do it


Quote from: BeeMaster2 on December 29, 2023, 09:35:40 AM
If you were in Pennsylvania or somewhere else other than Florida, I might be worried.
Not here in Florida. Is your inspector Stephen Cutts? If so don?t worry. Stephen is a third or fourth generation beekeeper who knows his job and does it well. He is mainly looking for signs of AFB. Ask him all the questions you have.
I know his old boss, David Westervelt, he did several talks here at BeeFest this year, and he would never tolerate inspectors trying to cause problems for beekeepers. I?m sure the new supervisor of inspectors is the same way. Causing problems for our beekeepers is a good way of making beekeepers not register and to hide their hives.
Jim Altmiller
Good to see you again may upload a new pic myself
I?m sure it will work out fine  just my way of being prepared by asking things in a funny way
That?s my nature
And yeah ace bird
I got a frame for her too!! Lol
Things are going awesome down here
Just bought an art easel and learned the C chord on my guitar wrote my daughter a letter and decorated my bible
Now it?s 130 am and I?m still awake lol busy day
I drew and colored a beehive on my Bible to send a message to religions
Bee about your master and May they be few and sweet
Like that?
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world
Then all else falls in line
It?s up to me

Bill Murray

I guess Im missing something here. Why would you not want your bees inspected? As far as im concerned my neighbors matter. (If I have AFB which is what they are looking for here in fl.) I want to know so Im not spreading that to my neighbors.