what do i need to do

Started by queenb64, August 03, 2006, 11:29:18 AM

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I went and checked my hive, heres the situation, I have honey, Yay, however the last time i checked the hive i was SUPPOSED to put the tenth frame in and didnt( got side tracked i guess) so now, they have built comb in between two frames. Now this is not a regular super its a hive body, its actually what i would leave them for winter. I was going to move the hive, so  I never put a regular super on. Also they havent filled all the frames, only about half, we are in a drought so i guess that has something to do with it. Should I leave it alone, since they havent filled all the frames? Should I remove the two that have combing between them, and replace with new frames? Should I remove all the frames? Should I just go ahead and add a queen excluder and a super? Its my first hive, and I would like to get some honey, but with the drought they havent done alot. Help!!!!I trust all your opinions!!
"if you can dish it out, you better be able to take it"


I would cut the comb that is between the frame so that they fit like they are supposed to  and add the tenth frame in and then feed them.


ok so , can i remove the two frames, they they have together, (get me a little of my first honey) and add two new frames? And feed them and leave them alone?
"if you can dish it out, you better be able to take it"


do they have brood on them?

Brian D. Bray

Let the bees feed on the comb and honey you cut out of the hive to replace the 10th frame.  
Why is everybody so quick to feed syrup to their bees?
Feeding should be considered an emergency stop gap measure not a ready answer.
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