too hot for me

Started by randydrivesabus, July 26, 2006, 01:18:36 PM

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Brian D. Bray

Old beekeeper's adage: Hot weather, Hot Bees.  
The crankiness comes from the fact that the bees have switched modes.  They are now in a pre-winter mode where they want to maximize stores and remove excess or useless mouths.  Now is when you should start seeing drone kill off and a gradual reduction in the amount of brood being reared.  The brood chambers will shrink in size and be filled in with honey.
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some people use artificial light to fool chickens into thinking that the day length hasnt shortened thereby getting them to continue laying. i dont reckon this would work with bees......

Michael Bush

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Brian D. Bray

>>some people use artificial light to fool chickens into thinking that the day length hasnt shortened thereby getting them to continue laying. i dont reckon this would work with bees......

No once their outside the hive the lights go out.  I wonder if a miniturized miners helmet would work?  Or would they then be called Fireflys?
Life is a school.  What have you learned?   :brian:      The greatest danger to our society is apathy, vote in every election!


Your scenario sounds like the one I had while trying to place a wet super back on a hive. This hive normally has a very good disposition. The other two hives were their normal selves while placing wet supers. I am going to wait another week or so and attempt an inspection.
It is not what you think you are, but what you think, you are.


i hope its only coincidence that we both live in VA. my 'encounter' was one week ago today and i am also going to wait another week before attempting another. hopefully by then it will be cooler...the weather and the hive.


Everything I have read says to requeen in your situation. Is your queen marked?

Brian D. Bray

Requeening does not cure proddiness due to weather conditions.  Hot muggy weather makes bees proddy.  Increased ion in the atmosphere prior to a thunder or electrical storm does the same thing.
Life is a school.  What have you learned?   :brian:      The greatest danger to our society is apathy, vote in every election!


ruben-yes my queen as originally installed is marked. the next time i tear apart that hive i will try to find her.