Apistan Treatment in Louisiana?

Started by tigerfankk, August 18, 2006, 11:07:36 PM

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1 deep with brood, queen excluder, 1 medium honey super. Peirco frames from betterbee.
I just harvested the super 6 days ago, 40lb honey.  first season.  I put the wet frames back on the same day.  Sounds like most people here treat for varroa after they harvest(3-4 weeks ago- (that was the end of the Tallow tree nectar flow)).  I added 2 Apistan strips yesterday. I noticed sections of honey(say 4x4 inches) in several frames. I was told that there is no nectar flow now.  Did the honey come from them cleaning the wet frames or are the bees finding nectar somewhere?  I just noticed this evening several been on my evergreen wisteria vine. Maybe that's it?  I put the apistan between 3&4 or 4&5 and 7&8.   I had honey on the each of the 3 outside frames. The middle 3 had capped brood.  Did I put the Apistan in correctly?  If the bees are still harvesting nectar, i'm worried about contaminated honey.  Should I be?  Or is the chemical so small amount not to worry about it?  I know someone who leaves his Apistan or Checkmite strips in till Feburary.

Thanks for the input and thanks for this forum.  I've only been doing this since May.  I've learned a lot from this forum.  I'm also interested in the permacomb and super honey cell comb!!


the bees on the evergreen thing might just be collecting propolis
"Suspect everyone, even those beyond suspicion"
-Steve Leopard/Cirque du Freak


if they have allot of cells with nectar seems they are getting a flow somewhere, you should never have supers on when treating whether there is a flow or not, you should have let them clean the supers then removed supers before treating, even if there is no flow the supers will get contaminated if they are on a hive while being treated...... never put supers on when treating it could ruin the supers as for as not being contaminated... the bee's will walk on the strips and track the medication through out the hive......just my 2 cents....

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Brian D. Bray

I would suggest you mark lthe frames so that you never use it as a super for harvesting honey.  Using those frames for a brood chamber would still be acceptable.
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