Same Hive Queen and Drone Mating ??

Started by denart, August 09, 2006, 11:58:43 PM

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I understand from an earlier post, that should I not get the queen, from a cutout, that the bee's will produce drone as well as a new queen. If she mates with a drone from the same gene pool as she is from will she be just as good a queen as the original.
 I went out this afternoon and did some final planning on the cutout for this seems I will be getting some very nice bee's. I was all over the place...with my bee suit on  but  the whole time with me loosening boards banging around etc etc the bee's remained very calm.
 I sure hop[e I get the queen.
Make a plan...BUT....Don't plan the outcome
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Brian D. Bray

Inbreeding can produce good and band results.  Inbreeding imprints characteristics.  It must be done carefully and infusion of outside blood lines is essential to maintaining viability of the species.  This is general animal husbandry practices.

Inbreeding is generally ok for the 1st generation, however, if it is repeated it can cause some very unfavorable characteristics to emerge.  In developing racing pigeons, fanciers operate on the theory that occassional inbreeding is desired under controlled conditions with resouces for outbreeding available and frequent.

In beekeeping repeated inbreeding can result in poor brood patterns, tempermental bees, and low disease and/or mite resistance.

On the other hand, taking a bee that has shown mite/disease resistence and inbreeding tends to set that characteristic.  The next step is to find another source with the same characteristics and inbreed to again set the characteristic and then outbreed between the 2 sources to further develop a disease/mite resistant bee.

I hope this helps in your understanding of inbreeding.
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Thanks Brian, this is most helpful and does put my mind at ease. I plan to be VERY careful in my efforts to find the queen, since this does seem to be a very gentle bunch of bees.

Make a plan...BUT....Don't plan the outcome
Life is life and it ain't half bad if you dont fight it