Honeyflow period

Started by binglis, August 13, 2006, 09:02:07 AM

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I live in Southern Ontario, Canada and would like to know when the "honeyflow season" beigins/ends. My bees appear to be 'slowing down' as far as adding honey to the supers. Is mid-August perhaps the 'hump' (we have passed the peak period...) in Southern Ontario?

Brian D. Bray

In most areas the final honey flow runs from mid Sept to early or mid Oct.
Check with other beekeepers in your area as geography and distance can affect this noticably.  Another resource is your Provience or district Agriculture agent.
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Here in Michigan, August is generally a slow nectar flow.  A lot depends on rainfall too, last year we were in a dearth by August, this year the flow is slowed but not gone.

Goldenrod (and asters,ragweed,etc) heralds the fall flow.


Quote from: ScadsobeesGoldenrod (and asters,ragweed,etc) heralds the fall flow.
u should probly avoid these though
"Suspect everyone, even those beyond suspicion"
-Steve Leopard/Cirque du Freak


Quoteu should probly avoid these though

Why would you recommend this?  Goldenrod is good honey, especially for cooking.


Very difficult to ask from internet what honey plants grow here.

You need only 5 miles distance between yards and you get huge yield or almost nothing. I have studied this art of beekeeping and it is really difficult.  If you have fireweed in sand soil and in clay soil the difference in yields is huge.  I learned this 2 years ago.

I have claimed weather and dry soil when I do not get honey but it was me who put hives here.

Bees efficient flying distance is under one kilometer.

The 1 km radius area is 300 hectares.

500 m radius has 78 hectares.

2 km radius has 1300 hectares.

I have not learned to see those "radius areas" what flowers they have  and how much.

And one thing is that even if you have huge red clover field it perhaps give nothing.