Very interesting SHB observation

Started by denart, September 27, 2006, 10:07:13 AM

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Two evenings ago I was at my hive because I was remodeling my workshop. Working past dark because after work not much daylight left this time of year. Anyway that is why I happened to be out near my hive so late in the evening.
At dusk.....I mean sun is down, 10 mins to dark.  I walked over to my hive to take a look. Evenings are getting cool here  mid 60 degrees. As i watched, only maybe 20 bees sitting on the entreance board, a big difference from just two weeks ago.
Here is what I saw........every few seconds a SHB would come flying to the hive, lite and sneak in    Hmmmm  ?????   got me to wondering.
Yesterday evening, I went out at the same time to see if the same thing was happening....and it was.
I am wondering   why?
Since I have never seen this during daylight.....                                    #1   could it be that SHB do their traveling at night
#2 could the beetles booted or harrassed out of the hive during the day find a dark place to hide and return during the night
I don't think I have a problem in the hive....I do have SHB...but do the best I can to controll them....I will go into the hive this weekend to have a look
Just a interesting observation I thought I would pass along and wondering if others have seen the same thing.
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ian michael davison

Hi all

At night or nearing dark there would be less bees gaurding the entrance and no bee traffic. If I was trying to sneak into a hive this is when I would do it, and don't mice do the same when the bees are clustered during cold weather.

We have not got SHB in the UK at the moment but the above would seem logical.

Regards Ian

Brian D. Bray

You conclusions sound logical as the same things happen with wax moths.  Lucky I don't have to worry about SHB as they have not invaded Washington yet, to my knowledge.
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