shb traps

Started by sean, January 16, 2007, 08:48:05 AM

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I am in the process of building sometraps for sHB's. Are there any common household chemicals/liquids/substances that can be used. Thing is alot of the approved chemicals are not available here (at least to my knowledge).



i have been reading not finished as yet though. The only thing i see so far may be the apple cider vinegar. Is there a reason for this specific type though


I have heard of a chemical called maverick mixed with vegtable oil  poured on the end of the frames does the trick.


I've never seen or heard of maverick out here. You see a lot the the chemicals used in other countries are not available here eg. oxalic acid, terramycin etc.(not sure of spellings). I know we hav the checkmite strips but if i use it now i run the risk of contaminating my honey and i am not sure if its worth it for the few beetles i've seen, so i am trying other methods first.

i think checkmite was what they said is used

lively Bee's

Can you give more information on this chemical maverick?  I found the Maverick Chemical Company on the net but not a chemical called maverick.  I was looking for a MSDS sheet so my  chemical eng wife could look over it :)


Apple Cider Vinegar attracts SHB and entices them to commit suicide by drowning in it.

Apple Cider Vinegar is available where I live at one supermarket - it is a "luxury" food item here, mucho expensive. Therefore, some experimenting might be in order. Perhaps the Banana Peel Concoction used as a Wax Moth Attractant works on SHB too, if suitably presented INSIDE the hive.

Recipe here >

Sean. Consider Small Cell. Here in Africa, where the "beast" is coming from, beeks do not seem to have much trouble with them at all - I have come accross only one beek who mentioned SHB and that sounded like management mistakes/weak hives.


>Sean. Consider Small Cell. Here in Africa, where the "beast" is coming from, beeks do not seem to have much trouble with them at all - I have come accross only one beek who mentioned SHB and that sounded like management mistakes/weak hives.

Hi empilol. Have been reading up on the small cell but it seems only to refer to varroa control.
I have seen a design for a trap that is nailed on to the edge of the landing board of the hive to catch the larva when it's crawling out to pupate. I will be using the apple cider vinegar in it.