Book, Videos, and Informational Aids.

Started by B DOG, June 08, 2004, 11:03:18 PM

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Recently I went to the library and check out almost every book i could find on bees. I of corse did the reaserch i needed befor settling on a book that i could use as my guide so to say. Anyways i settled on Beekeeping for Dummies, and i think it is great. My question is what books do you use?

i also went serching for a pbs special that came out a couple oy years ago i am sure that some of you have seen it. Anyway they did not have it which i was surprised because pbs did it so recently, and i was sad because it looked so good, and well done.  Has anyone seen any good materal that would help anyone of us? or have any suggestion on web sites, books or videos?

thanks B Dog

Bee Boy

I have a book which I thought was pretty good; The Queen and I, by Edward A. Weiss.
Bee Boy


Here's a topic I've been waiting for! In fact, I was thinking we should have a topic for book reviews.

Anyway, I have Beekeeping for Dummies, John (?) Vivian's Keeping Bees, and Richard Bonny's Hive Management.

One of the things I like about the first two is that the love of bees really shows through in the author's prose. Bonny's Hive Managemnet is more serious, but still a good read. Vivian's book came out apparently before varroa, because he doesn't seem to struggle with it, and it's such a huge topic today, but other than that, it's a great primer for a novice.

Bee Boy

I don't know how I forgot Bee Keeping For Dummies! That is the best book that I've read on bee :D
Bee Boy


My two favorites are The ABC&XYZ of Bee Culture which is like an encylopedia with tons of information & John Vivian's Keeping Bees which has very good ideas/examples of practical beekeeping.[/i]
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