First hive inspection

Started by tom, March 13, 2007, 12:33:23 AM

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Howdy All

  Today was a good day i went and did my first hive inspection and boy did they fool me. They are all single hive bodies and they made it thru the winter just fine hive one has seven frames of solid brood and three frames of honey and pollen and hive three the same and they are building up so good and fast. But hive two is building up slow but it is only marchso they have some time as for hive one i was thinking i should put a super on them since they are filling the brood chamber up so fast and when the capped brood hatches it's going to build up more they have plenty of drones capped over should i super my first hive.


Brian D. Bray

It sounds like I would.  Follow the 80% rule, its sounds as if you're past that.
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