Week 48 - May 30th, 2004

Started by Beth Kirkley, May 30, 2004, 09:09:14 PM

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Beth Kirkley


Hive #1
This hive is really getting a bad start this year. The queen I introduced to them is laying, but very slowly. Also, the bees that are in there have gotten older too, so many of them have died off. The eggs she's laid are about to hatch any day, so hopefully that will help the hive out. But it's almost like starting a hive after buying 2-3 pounds of bees. Their only boost is that they do have several frames of comb rather than all fresh frames. It's a big contrast from hive #2. I'm thinking about placing some brood from hive #2 in there to help them out. I'm worried about my ability to do this. I also marked all the frames on the top box with arrows, pointing towards the center so they are sure to be always replaced in the Housel positioning.

Hive #2
Quite strong. I don't think it's near swarming, but it is very full. I had taken out 6 frames from the top, and 3 from the bottom to steal some honey and give them fresh frames to work with. If I had an extractor they wouldn't have to work so hard to fill the frames back up. But I don't, so they'll have to start all over on clean frames. With the advice I'd gotten, I moved the honey/brood frames to the outside. Then marked the clean frames with arrows to keep them in the Housel position, and placed them in the middle. They're a good hard working hive and will have things in order in no time. Over time I'll get all the frames marked with arrows pointing to the middle so I'm sure to keep all in the right direction.



Although I have never tried it, I have read of people switching positions of the two hives during the day.  Then all those foragers that are in the field, come back to the weak hive laden with nectar and pollen, and are accepted into the colony.  If you have lost most of your foraging age bees, this may be something to consider.  As I said, I have never tried it, so can't attest to this methods reliability or succuss   I'm sure you can find details online either here, or at some of the other bee forums.   Good luck



As far as destroying the comb when harvesting the honey, I just discovered something interesting here locally.  The beekeeper supply company will rent you a 4 frame extractor and electric decapping knife for 15 dollars overnight, or 25 dollars for the whole weekend.  They will also extract for you for 0.25 a pound, and they get to keep the caps.  Anyway, maybe there is something similar available in your area?  Just a thought