See even Bush is responsible for CCD.

Started by Understudy, March 11, 2007, 07:45:59 PM

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Yes, I find this funny. No I do not believe he is responsible. The cartoon was done by Don Wright who is the political cartoonist for the Palm Beach Post.

The status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to rule it. Dr. Horrible


So are the bees going after Bush? Or leaving the country?
:rainbowflower:  Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.   :rainbowflower:


My pictures.Type in password;  youview


Bush probably hired Halliburton to secretly poison the bees, then swore the CIA and FBI to secrecy, then had the AG make sure some obscure law covered bee murder, then had Cheney put out some story about the Iranians killing all the bees!!
The people the people are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.

Abraham  Lincoln
Speech in Kansas, December 1859


Quote from: kathyp on March 11, 2007, 10:37:41 PM
Bush probably hired Halliburton to secretly poison the bees, then swore the CIA and FBI to secrecy, then had the AG make sure some obscure law covered bee murder, then had Cheney put out some story about the Iranians killing all the bees!!
I completely agree with you.  :-D

The status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to rule it. Dr. Horrible


i thought you'd like that.....don't say i never gave you anything!!   ;)
The people the people are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.

Abraham  Lincoln
Speech in Kansas, December 1859


Okay...... Keeping with my UFO story concerning CCD, the Mothership (some call it Halburton a cousin of Tim Burton) who is lead by CheneytheHut sent down a lazer beam filled with pheromones attracting (uncontrollably so) all honeybees to abandon their hives, brood and all left to starve. Leaving man with a threat of epic proportion, one large enough to cover the real story of what is happening.

Why, you may ask? To take attention off of the war of course and to help keep Scooter Libby as a "page 4" in the news story. But CheneytheHut has greater issues - for example supposedly the Galactic News from Vente'cia Major (a small digital press serving the 7th largest planet in the Philopian system) says that CheneytheHut's "Very own daughter" has figure a way to propogate via same gender, enabling the making of an "army of DON'T ask DON'T TELL homosexuals" an endless means to keep soldiers count at a number easily capable of fighting this war for decades, and WITHOUT the need of a DRAFT, this will go over big with BOTH HOUSES and the Citizens who seem to care very little about the war and also little about homosexuals.

Sadly, the rate of proific homogenderious soldier replace has a lag of 18 years (17 with both father's permission) and since the mothership scientists learned that "royal jelly" in great abundance directly injected invetro can speed up the maturity from 18 years down to only 14, soldier replacement in this all male Army coincides well with the elections in Presidential years and only 2 bush's away from success. It is a "WIN WIN" for everyone who hates Gays and women in the Military.

CheneytheHut hopes that by keeping gosssip like articles about himself, shooting friends in the face after confusing his best friend with a bird, hidding in the 16th sub-floor of the Whitehouse like Michael Jackson in his hyperbolic chamber, while Cheney's "toiletpaper white skin" regenerates from the last exposure to Earth's Sun - Rumor has it CheneytheHut was born on the mothership in deep space, never really approaching a solar system with a sun only 93 million miles away.

I think it hard to NOT see that both of these aliens (Michael Jackson and CheneytheHut) are TRANSPARENT and are filled with Interior House Paint to give the illusion of color - in his last music video I could see Jacksons Skull and nearly 40% of all bones while dancing under florescent tubes - meanwhile CheneytheHut only comes out in public after he heals from his weekly heart and skin transplant.

There is much more, way too much to share openly, and I fear my own disappearence if I share all the intrecate facts, but the "Cheney-like" creature needs the bees if his plan is to work - the shame of it is that several years will be needed to complete this mission to avoid the likely draft which (is a real fear of CheneytheHuts which could be a PAGE ONE article) Meanwhile Halburton will be entering the freeze-dried food market, campainging that pollinated fruits and vegitables (and the animals we eat that consume such fruits and vegiatables) is a Shiite andHesbu'la plot aimed to cause massive heart related matters in Americas Future.

Meanwhile Halburton (tim Burton's Cousin) will be pushing the WIND-SWEPT crop pollination for future food and fuel for decades to come. Bush has already started speaking of this "Transistion Campagne" the agenda (as implanted deep into his mind by the Mothership) will be seen often in the upcoming news interviews, press conferences and state of the union addresses. Surprisingly, Bush was able to say the words "BIODIESEL" three consecutive times WITHOUT smirking, This can only mean the mind-probe is getting stronger and I fear it may soon over-take us all.
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why take all the bees?  why not just raise queens????   :evil:
The people the people are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.

Abraham  Lincoln
Speech in Kansas, December 1859



That is why to funny . I may have to save that in print form. I am still wiping tears from eyes.

The status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to rule it. Dr. Horrible


John, that bit about the mind probe really is trAAAGGHHH NO I WON'T TELL THEM ABOUT IT MASTER PLEASE STOP