
Started by JRS, March 27, 2007, 10:42:33 PM

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Hello everyone,it's been about a month since I've been on here,but I see everyone's been busy little bees. :-D  I was out looking at a hive I just acquired from a man's son.He built they hive 10 years ago and it has never been opened.It's one standard deep with one homemade PILE OF deep on top.The poor old sole made these horrific looking frames that look more like fry baskets then anything else.these so called frames run side to side instead of front to back and the bees knew it too because they built straight up through them off the standard frames under it. So that body has frames one way and comb the other.But anyway we have moved out of our house into our new one now my hive are right out side instead of miles away so thats good.I was looking at the frankenstine hive and there were drones dead and half dead all one the ground,maybe 20 of them,do think they have just superseded or they are going to swarm??
The only stupid question is the question unasked,thanx for the help.