Bee and Queen Supplier near Philadelphia

Started by romduck, April 30, 2007, 06:23:48 PM

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A friend in Philly is a member of a garden club who is looking to re-queen. I don't have the details or the reason why. I believe that they have only one have and are not associated with any other local keepers.

She said that their usual supplier in Georgia is not of any help. :?

I was hoping that someone might have a lead, a suggestion or a reccomendation past looking for #s from ads in Bee Culture.
Rommie L. Duckworth
<[email protected]>


I received an email from Busy Bee of NC and they said they have queens.

BusybeeofNC at (replace the at with @)


Rommie L. Duckworth
<[email protected]>